GOODSTUFFs CYBER WORLD: Atomic Hand Held Weapons are Scary

I go to the sporting goods section, a perfect gruesome area where implements of death and destruction are openly and brazenly sold. I notice a atomic hand held weapon just lying on a shelf. I reach for it as if it was a South African centipede, wondering if it will go off when I pull it off the shelf. That’s right, a shelf. Where anybody could get it.

Source: GOODSTUFFs CYBER WORLD: Atomic Hand Held Weapons are Scary

Rule Requires Doctors To Treat Trans Patients As Pretend Sex

A doctor’s decision not to treat a patient acting like the opposite sex could earn him criminal investigation, according to a new health care rule.

Once again we see graphic evidence of mental illness among the Democrats. They have absolutely no grasp on reality. They live in a fantasy world. And then they project their mental illness onto conservatives by accusing conservatives of being ‘anti-science’.

Source: Rule Requires Doctors To Treat Trans Patients As Pretend Sex

The Devil is in New Hampshire!

U.S. Justice

In 1971, Gerald Mayo brought a civil rights action in the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania against Satan and his servants, who allegedly placed deliberate obstacles in Mayo’s path. In its written opinion, the Court did not deny Satan’s existence, but asserted that it was unlikely that Satan was ever present in the Western District of Pennsylvania, stating, “We question whether plaintiff may obtain personal jurisdiction over the defendant in this judicial district.”

In a jocular reference to The Devil and Daniel Webster, the court implied that Satan might live in New Hampshire, stating, “While the official reports disclose no case where this defendant has appeared as defendant there is an unofficial account of a trial in New Hampshire where this defendant filed an action of mortgage foreclosure as plaintiff.” This appears to be the only published legal case in the U.S. concerning Satan, and the present U.S. official position seems to be that Satan may exist and, if so, might be found in New Hampshire.

Source here

Free Range International » Fourth Generation War Comes To America: What Are You Going To Do About It?

That the target was a gay night club is irrelevant. Homosexuality and Islam have a strange relationship due to the many peculiar customs routine among unmarried young adult males that in the west would consider homosexual. That’s old news. My speculation is that the nature of the target aided the Icehole shooter by de-humanizing his targets through the interpretation of the targeted group contained in the Koran. He could have targeted a stripper bar or any kind of bar for the same reason.

Source: Free Range International » Fourth Generation War Comes To America: What Are You Going To Do About It?

Hussein Obama, 50; America,0 – The Unz Review

We observe that Muslims are nothing but trouble anywhere, so we import Muslims. We observe that diversity is the chief source of bitter strife in the world, so we open the borders. When seeking employees, we deliberately hire people who can’t do the job. In our universities we purposely admit those who neither can nor want to learn. Then, when the obvious, the predictable, indeed the inevitable unexpectedly occurs, we insist that it really didn’t, or shouldn’t have, or wouldn’t have, or something, and do it again. In its way it is wonderfully funny.

Source: Hussein Obama, 50; America,0 – The Unz Review