The Bookworm Beat 6/10/16 — the “escape from the family” edition

Clinton tried to portray Trump as “dangerous.” But what do you call it when a secretary of state, to shield herself from accountability, stores classified emails (some beyond “top secret”) on her private, unsecured server, leaving them vulnerable to hackers the world over?

Source: The Bookworm Beat 6/10/16 — the “escape from the family” edition

A perfect description…

… of Obama and all Democrats, those elected, and those who support and vote for them.

Psalm 36: 2-5 (NAB)

2. Sin directs the heart of the wicked man;
his eyes are closed to the fear of God.

3. For he lives with the delusion:
his guilt will not be known and hated.

4. Empty and false are the words of his mouth;
he has ceased to be wise and do good.

5. On his bed he hatches plots;
he sets out on a wicked way;
he does not reject evil.


Viktor Korchnoi

I was downloading a database of his chess games and decided to read his Wikipedia entry to see what he’s been up to. This was a bit of a shock.


Viktor Lvovich Korchnoi (23 March 1931 – 6 June 2016) was a chess grandmaster and writer. He is considered one of the strongest players never to have become World Chess Champion.

Any chess fans can download a database of 1155 of his games here.

Source: Viktor Korchnoi – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

