‘I’m Not Going to Certify Sin’: Man Suspended After Refusing to Watch LGBT Inclusion Video

“In support of an inclusive work environment, as well as exemplary customer service, the Social Security Administration recently announced a diversity and inclusion training on the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Community to our employees. This mandatory video training reminds our employees of their responsibility, as representatives of the agency, to provide the highest levels of service to our customers. The training includes a brief session on tips for increasing cultural awareness in a diverse and inclusive environment. We are unable to comment on specific personnel matters.”

In other words, it’s an indoctrination/re-education video promoting sexual perversion and mental illness.

Source: ‘I’m Not Going to Certify Sin’: Man Suspended After Refusing to Watch LGBT Inclusion Video

WSJ Op-ed: Dangers Rise as America Retreats – Liz Cheney for U.S. Congress | CheneyForWyoming.com

As he released terrorists to return to the field of battle, Mr. Obama was simultaneously withdrawing American forces from Iraq and Afghanistan. He calls this policy “ending wars.” Most reasonable people recognize this approach as losing wars.

Source: WSJ Op-ed: Dangers Rise as America Retreats – Liz Cheney for U.S. Congress | CheneyForWyoming.com

Exclusive to the Trib: The immutable lessons of 9/11 | TribLIVE

Nonetheless, on that September day 15 years ago, Americans knew that unlike prior provocations that often went unanswered, these attacks could not be ignored or brushed aside. And they were not, certainly not by President George W. Bush. Taliban and al-Qaida were driven from power in Afghanistan in a brilliant military campaign. No due process rights were afforded on the Afghan battlefield, nor should they have been, any more than enemy combatants received U.S. constitutional protections in any other war we have fought. It was war, not law-enforcement, we were conducting, and rightly so.

Source: Exclusive to the Trib: The immutable lessons of 9/11 | TribLIVE

Generation Meathead | The Z Blog

Filmmaker, actor and outspoken Donald Trump detractor Rob Reiner says it is impossible to level with the Republican presidential nominee’s bigoted supporters, who are “mostly white males who don’t have college degrees.”

Translation: They haven’t been properly indoctrinated in the sewer that is what passes for Leftist ‘thought’.

Source: Generation Meathead | The Z Blog

This is how British pilots made beer runs for troops in Normandy during World War II

These kegs, often called ‘beer bombs,’ were standard wooden kegs with a specially-designed nose cone and attachments for transport under the wing of the Spitfire. Though they carried less beer, it arrived tasting like it just came out of the tap at the pub, chilled by the altitude of the flight over the channel.

Source: This is how British pilots made beer runs for troops in Normandy during World War II

Legendary rockers KISS STOP mid-concert; liberals lose their minds over why – Allen B. West – AllenBWest.com

At a recent stop in Worcester, Massachusetts, this week, Kiss brought its roadie for the day onstage, along with other members of the military past and present, and led the entire arena in the Pledge of Allegiance, something the band has done before. However, this one had a bit of a special message to a particular NFL player — a not-so-subtle knock to the recent shenanigans by San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, lead singer Paul Stanley said:

“You should remember, patriotism is always cool. Loving your country is always cool. Standing up, respecting and honoring our military is always cool. So, to show some respect between pick-throwing, we’re going to put our right hands over our hearts and why don’t we say the Pledge of Allegiance.”

Source: Legendary rockers KISS STOP mid-concert; liberals lose their minds over why – Allen B. West – AllenBWest.com
