The Bookworm Beat 9/18/16 — the “people are singing” edition and open thread

“Claims in our day of being progressive and moving forward by accepting the ‘new prevailing views on sexuality and same-sex marriage’ are horribly misinformed … Contemporary views about sexuality are simply a revival of an older and much less loving view of the world.”

But they are also a revival of an older and impoverished view of human beings. Imagine the reaction of a pagan Roman slave girl who learned for the first time that she had value—not monetary value as a piece of goods to be enjoyed or discarded by her owner—but eternal value because she was made in the very image of God.

Source: The Bookworm Beat 9/18/16 — the “people are singing” edition and open thread

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Right-wing, Conservative, Constitutionalist, Christian, Heterosexual. How else can I offend you today?