The Morning Briefing: We’ve Reached the Book Burning Phase of 2020 Riot Wokeness

You may have seen the phrase “decolonize your bookshelf” floating around. In essence, it is about actively resisting and casting aside the colonialist ideas of narrative, storytelling, and literature that have pervaded the American psyche for so long.

If you are white, take a moment to examine your bookshelf. What do you see? What books and authors have you allowed to influence your worldview, and how you process the issues of racism and prejudice toward the disenfranchised?


This racist drivel is from taxpayer-supported Several thoughts occur to me:

  1. Note how only whites have to examine our bookshelves? I have to assume that’s because blacks don’t have bookshelves seeing as how they are functionally illiterate.
  2. How DO I process ‘racism’? I don’t. It’s not an issue unless YOU are a racist and are constantly bringing it up. Hint: identity politics is nothing BUT racism.
  3. Disenfranchised? Again, a straw-man argument. If YOU are ‘disenfranchised’ you have done it to yourself. Your choices do that. Ditto for ‘marginalized’.

I refuse to examine my bookshelves, except to add to them using books most likely written by dead white males.

Source: The Morning Briefing: We’ve Reached the Book Burning Phase of 2020 Riot Wokeness

Seven Thoughts on the Civil War the Other Side Wants So Badly

6. The suburbs aren’t burning despite all the calls to burn them. It isn’t hard to understand why.

Brandon Morse has a great piece at RedState warning the Antifa clowns that if they actually follow through on their threats to invade the suburbs, they won’t like the result.

“Suburbanites have a lot more to lose and are going to be a lot more apt to go to extremes to make sure no harm befalls what they’re protecting,” he says. “Too much rides on it. In the city, you were the pack of lions seeking whom you may devour. In the burbs, you’re the gazelle.”

That’s certainly true, and the rioters know it. Some of the Antifa clowns have been trying to rally their people to descend on the suburbs, and so far it hasn’t panned out.

Morse’s warning is one reason why. Know what the other one is?

Because the pasty honkies in the black sweatshirts live in the suburbs. Where do you think mom’s basement is, Watts? They’re not going to burn down their own neighborhoods; that’s for the proles to do, not the Marxist vanguard.

Source: Seven Thoughts on the Civil War the Other Side Wants So Badly

Black Lives Matter: Nothing but domestic terrorists

BLM claim they want “justice,” which is an outright lie.  The last thing they want is to let any of their pet causes make their way through the American judicial system.  They want special treatment, but more than that, they want mob rule.

BLM: the slaves of the Democrat Party.

Source: Black Lives Matter: Nothing but domestic terrorists

BREAKING: Antifa terrorists to be bused to Sparta, Illinois with orders to burn farm houses and kill livestock in rural “white” areas

Today Natural News has learned that Antifa operatives are organizing a plan to bus large numbers of Antifa terrorists to the vicinity of Sparta, Illinois, where they will be directed to target rural white Americans by burning farm houses and killing livestock. The purpose of the attack, according to sources, is so that Antifa can send a message to white America that “not even rural whites are safe” from the reach of Antifa, and that if their radical left-wing demands are not yet, all of America will burn (not just the cities).

Read the whole thing.

Source: BREAKING: Antifa terrorists to be bused to Sparta, Illinois with orders to burn farm houses and kill livestock in rural “white” areas

Weapon against Evil…

Democrats have declared war on morality, virtue, and civilization. This is an armed insurgency that should be put down with extreme prejudice. The Democrat Party, like its militant arms Antifa and BlackLivesMatter, should be declared a terrorist organizations.

Why You Shouldn’t Add The Q To LGBT

Just as the LGBT person does not exist, neither does the movement or the coalition in actuality. LGBTetc. is an ideological and socio-political construct. It certainly does not refer to a unified, naturally occurring people group.

I agree it isn’t ‘naturally occurring’. It’s a personal choice. It certainly IS a unified group though. It consists exclusively of mentally-ill sexual perverts.

Source: Why You Shouldn’t Add The Q To LGBT

Elite Panic vs. the Resilient Populace

The Ohio State team produced a number of reports and helped influence the nascent study of humans and disaster. But the lessons of the Alaska quake tend to be forgotten when the world turns scary. In case after case, officials have reverted to the traditional view: that the civilian populace is not to be trusted in an emergency. Not surprisingly, this tendency towards elite panic is itself one of the key stumbling blocks to coping with disasters.

We certainly see it in the response to the coronavirus pandemic. From the first appearance of the virus in the United States, officials at the federal level, including the Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration, tried to maintain tight control over the fight against the new disease. Undoubtedly, individual staffers at those institutions are deeply committed to public health. But those agencies’ policies implied that independent medical organizations shouldn’t be allowed to make major decisions about the coming pandemic.

Source: Elite Panic vs. the Resilient Populace

In their panic, the idiots in our government are creating a famine. 

“The shut down and slowed down packing plants are the reason. I don’t know what to do to get them back online. Some workers aren’t coming in. Some truly are sick. To maintain social distancing they had to “slow the chain”.

Because our ‘betters’ have no idea of how things like food get to the grocery stores. Because our ‘betters’ overreact to everything, like a new strain of flu from China.

Because our ‘betters’ are stupid. Because our ‘betters’ are liberals who think they are God.

Source: In their panic, the idiots in our government are creating a famine.