Kristi Noem Is[n’t] Right About Employer Vaccine Mandates

“When leaders overstep their authority, that is how we break this country, and if government starts acting unconstitutionally, even if it’s doing something that we like, that’s a dangerous path to walk down,” she said. “It is not conservative to grow government and to tell businesses what to do and how to treat their employees.” — Kristi Noem

She’s wrong, of course.

Government’s job is to protect the rights of citizens. Businesses that transgress citizens’ rights need to be reigned in. That’s where she’s wrong.

Businesses are private entities. Citizens are private entities. Since when does one private entity have the right to mandate another private entity do something in violation of their rights?

Being an employee does not mean you are owned by the business. You are NOT ‘their’ employee. That would make you a de facto slave. I was under the impression that we had outlawed slavery in this country.

In fact, it is the other way around. Citizens are real. Business as a ‘private entity’ is a legal fiction. They don’t really exist. A ‘business entity’ is a just collection of other private citizens who, again, have no right to mandate another private citizen do anything in violation of their rights as citizens.

Reason Magazine taking her side shows (as if it needed showing again) why ‘libertarianism’ is a false road to travel. Slavery is okay with them as long as it is done by private business. There’s no concern about individual rights, or community traditions, or religious beliefs.

Source: Kristi Noem Is Right About Employer Vaccine Mandates

[TRANSLATED] “Dégénération” – Quebecois Traditionalist Song

Thought this was a powerful mental image…
[TRANSLATED] “Dégénération” – Quebecois Traditionalist Song
Your great-great-grandmother she had 14 children
Your great-grandmother had just about as many;
And then your grandmother, she had 3, it was enough;
and your mother didn’t want any, you were an accident.
And then you, my little girl, you change partners all the time,
When you do stupid things, you save yourself with an abortion,
But there are mornings you wake up in tears, when you dream at night
Of a big table surrounded by children.

U2 – With Or Without You – Luca Stricagnoli – Fingerstyle Guitar

“With Or Without You” by U2, arranged and performed by Luca on his Reversed Triple Neck Guitar built by Davide Serracini. The third neck, reversed, has an e-bow attached to it that keeps the central string vibrating, producing a constant high pitched sound that imitates the iconic original version of the song. The wooden percussive device on the guitar is called Multi Clap.

Impressive talent.

Report: Professor Tells White Student if He’s Breathing, He ‘May Have Oppressed Somebody’ Today

The teacher then asked Brian if he’d oppressed anybody that day.

The kid said No.

Sam posed a potent Gotcha:

“You’re breathing. Have you left your house today?”


Academia for the win:

If that’s all it takes… if it’s that easy to oppress you… you deserve it!

Source: Report: Professor Tells White Student if He’s Breathing, He ‘May Have Oppressed Somebody’ Today

Astronomy Picture of the Day (7/20/2021)

Thor’s Helmet
July 20, 2021

Thor not only has his own day (Thursday), but a helmet in the heavens. Popularly called Thor’s Helmet, NGC 2359 is a hat-shaped cosmic cloud with wing-like appendages. Heroically sized even for a Norse god, Thor’s Helmet is about 30 light-years across.

In fact, the cosmic head-covering is more like an interstellar bubble, blown with a fast wind from the bright, massive star near the bubble’s center. Known as a Wolf-Rayet star, the central star is an extremely hot giant thought to be in a brief, pre-supernova stage of evolution. NGC 2359 is located about 15,000 light-years away toward the constellation of the Great Overdog.

This remarkably sharp image is a mixed cocktail of data from broadband and narrowband filters, capturing not only natural looking stars but details of the nebula’s filamentary structures. The star in the center of Thor’s Helmet is expected to explode in a spectacular supernova sometime within the next few thousand years.

Can gas stations be held liable for selling to DWI drivers?

And now, from New Mexico, comes a Florida-man level of judicial stupidity:

If you make the station attendant responsible for ensuring the sobriety of customers, they will either have to walk out of the station every time someone pulls up to the pumps or discontinue the self-serve option altogether. That would be even more disruptive to the industry.

Source: Can gas stations be held liable for selling to DWI drivers?

Two things I see here. One, it could be the lawyers are just looking for someone with deep pockets to go after. Greedy liberals they are, but that’s redundant. Two, a case could be made that this is another environmentalist attack on the oil industry.

Personally, I’m going with #2.

So much for the COVID-19 vaccination!

In other words there is no public health benefit to the jabs.  These fully vaccinated people not only got the virus they gave it to others.  That, my friends, is what everyone claimed wouldn’t happen — if you got jabbed you protected other people … We now know that claim was a lie.  It was a lie by lack of knowledge before; now it is a straight-up knowing lie to repeat it.

Add this to all the other lies.

Why would you take any sort of personal health advice — now that it’s admitted that’s all the jab advocacy is — from the very same people who have been caught lying serially on virtually every topic related to Covid since last spring?

Source: So much for the COVID-19 vaccination!

Weren’t We Always Extremists?

The US is criticized more heavily for its failures to uphold human rights because it was the first to come along and allege that we had them. Therefore, its hypocrisy when it fails to live up to the values it professes makes those failures all the more glaring. And again, I’m not coming to the government’s defense. I merely want to point out that before the US, poverty, inequality, indentured servitude, slavery, racism—all of these evils and more were the status quo, and no one really expected differently.

When we said, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,” the reality is that this principle had been self-evident to practically no one throughout thousands of years of history. When we said that all men are “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,” it got people’s attention, and suddenly others began to agree. When we said humans are entitled to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness,” it became a violation to impede such things. But make no mistake. These notions were not mainstream when our founders threw down the gauntlet with the Declaration of Independence.

As Barry Goldwater once said, “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”

Source: Weren’t We Always Extremists?