I see the black power radicals; they’re the ones shooting cops in the head. Where are the white nationalists we are told to be afraid of? They have been laying awfully low, in stark contrast to black supremacists and their supporters, who have been responsible for many hundreds of riots over the past year, injuring thousands of officers and causing $billions in damages.
Flag burning is a right.

Forget Humidity, Dew Point Is How It Really Feels Outside
Humidity can have a huge effect on how hot it really feels outside. Thankfully, weather apps typically include humidity numbers, but you’re probably looking at the wrong ones. What you should be checking is the dew point.
Source: Forget Humidity, Dew Point Is How It Really Feels Outside
One of the main reasons Western civilization is falling is too much ‘tolerance’ of evil.
Why Used Car Prices are Going Up – EPautos – Libertarian Car Talk
And that is precisely what’s happening now – to all used cars. They are going up in value because people increasingly don’t like – or simply can no longer afford – new cars.
Part of the reason for the not-liking, arguably is because of the over-the-top electronic nannying that comes standard with practically all new cars. It has reached a degree of insufferability that is almost intolerable. Like having a horse fly constantly buzzing – just the right word – around your head.
Lane Keep Assist. Brake Assist. Park Assist. Blind Spot Assist. Pedestrian Detection Assist. Speed Limit Assist.…
Older cars lack “advanced driver assistance” technologies. They don’t attempt to countermand your steering or apply the brakes on your behalf or automatically shut off the engine every time the car stops moving. They don’t put the transmission into park because you tried to back up with the door open – in order to use your eyes rather than a camera and beeping electronics to see where you want to go.
Because of the steadily, inexorably increasing cost of government, necessarily folded into the price you pay. These are the cost of compliance with all of the many federal “safety,” “emissions” and “mileage” befehls – a German word for decree, which is what they are – and which manifest in cost-adding hardware such as smaller engines with turbochargers – to make up for their being smaller, in order to comply with federal MPG mandates.
And aluminum bodywork, which costs more to manufacture and which is more easily damaged and more expensive to repair (and so, insure), costing you more, several times over.
Source: Why Used Car Prices are Going Up – EPautos – Libertarian Car Talk
The secular month of state sanctioned sodomy
The sin in question is sodomy. This is now so important to our current elite that it has almost become a business in of itself, but without any of the charm of something like the traditional Mardi Gras found in different parts of the world. Companies and individuals compete with each other in order to publicly demonstrate their dedication to the cause of not just protecting the rights of homosexuals to exist, but in many cases to force their sinful ideology upon innocents.
Observing the rapid increase of devotion to the sodomite banner, I think it likely that we are not very far from a point where recruits to different government organisations will need to prove their worthiness to pass selection by having to participate in homosexual acts. Such a requirement would simultaneously ensure that different organisations will have selected suitable recruits, while also holding them to future coercion due to the stored recordings of such acts.
Source: The secular month of state sanctioned sodomy
The system doesn’t want you to have children
My biggest mistake was listening to ‘the system.’
Quite simply, the future belongs to those who show up. I am here because a very long line of people took the trouble to raise children, in spite of all of the hardships that they would have inevitably endured at the time. We are separated, if not divorced, from our ancestors. We are taught that those who came before us were bad and ignorant. We are taught that for a reason. The system wants us isolated. It wants us isolated from our past blood people and from our future blood people.
The absolute number one sign that you should have children is the clear fact that the system makes it so hard for us to have them. From abortion on demand, to contraception and allowed open fornication, to the dissolution of marriage, to the fueled and funded war between the sexes, to the family courts, and to open propaganda that white people are selfish if they breed, the system is doing everything in its power to ensure that we don’t have offspring.
Big Tech’s ‘No Free Speech’ Amendment
Americans deserve an open and neutral internet. Consumers and businesses need access to an open internet, but so do elected officials, journalists, and anyone who cares about the way that our country is run and has an opinion about government, culture, and education.
Big Tech engaged in blatant election rigging and voter suppression in the 2020 election. And it’s marginalizing and suppressing the views of half the country from the marketplace of ideas.
Its front group laughably claims that it’s suppressing half the country in the name of free speech.
Every month!
Where We Are Now
Sarah A. Hoyt goes on an epic rant…
The left (and a lot of the right) elite are the most corrupt and incompetent buffoons since late Roman decadence. It’s probably inevitable when you have vast resources, a concentration of power, and a fawning news media/public opinion.
Everything about them, from their family lives to their business doings to their public and private behavior, when poked at exudes a stench that tells you their bios are like a demon’s resume. It’s filth layered on filth and given a veneer of normalcy that wouldn’t fool anyone who looked at it more than two seconds.
Read the whole thing.
Source: Where We Are Now