The Trump Onslaught on International Law and Institutions – Lawfare

3. Slow-down, or halt, in new international agreements. The writing has been on the wall for new international agreements ever since President Trump formally abandoned the Trans-Pacific Partnership on the third day of his presidency. A few days later a draft Executive Order, Moratorium on New Multilateral Treaties, leaked. The EO was only a draft, and it is limited to Article II treaties, which form only a sliver of U.S. international agreements. (It’s not clear if the Trump Team realizes that treaties are rare.)

An ‘agreement’ is a treaty if it is being treated as such. This Harvard lawyer’s argument proves that agreement are treaties, according to the Left.

Source: The Trump Onslaught on International Law and Institutions – Lawfare

Sultan Knish: How America’s Polygamy Ban Blocked Muslim Immigration

Unlike modern presidents, Roosevelt did not view Islam as a force for good. Instead he had described Muslims as “enemies of civilization”, writing that, “The civilization of Europe, America and Australia exists today at all only because of the victories of civilized man over the enemies of civilization”, praising Charles Martel and John Sobieski for throwing back the “Moslem conquerors” whose depredations had caused Christianity to have “practically vanished from the two continents.”

Source: Sultan Knish: How America’s Polygamy Ban Blocked Muslim Immigration


The Constitution establishes liberty. Freedom. It doesn’t establish liberal ‘fairness’. The American Revolution was about liberty and freedom. Contrast that with the French Revolution, which was about equality and fairness.

The French Revolution, equality and fairness required so many heads of state that they invented the guillotine to keep up with the demand.

The WaPo’s lovely palpitations about new EPA head Scott Pruitt

The funniest thing about the article is the authors’ (yes, “authors,” as it took two of them to write this steaming pile of ignorance) . . . the authors’ certitude that consensus is the same as science. In WaPo land, there is no solar activity; there are no pauses in the warming; there aren’t any computer simulations that were decisively wrong; there are no laughable predictions about 20 foot increases in the ocean’s level or double-digit temperature increases; and, most significantly, there is no record of fraud.

Source: The WaPo’s lovely palpitations about new EPA head Scott Pruitt

Don’t replace it

Healthcare and healthcare insurance is not a right, or a government responsibility under Article One, Section Eight of the Constitution. Repeal it, don’t replace it. Honor the oath you took to uphold the Constitution.

School administrators don’t have much tolerance for student’s ‘straight pride’ posters |

“Celebrate being straight at JHS by not annoying the heck out of everyone about your sexual orientation!” read the flyers, posted in the school’s hallways after classes last Thursday. “It’s easy! Just come to the JHS, then you go about your day without telling everyone about how ‘different’ and ‘special’ you are!”

Source: School administrators don’t have much tolerance for student’s ‘straight pride’ posters |