WSJ Op-ed: Dangers Rise as America Retreats – Liz Cheney for U.S. Congress |

As he released terrorists to return to the field of battle, Mr. Obama was simultaneously withdrawing American forces from Iraq and Afghanistan. He calls this policy “ending wars.” Most reasonable people recognize this approach as losing wars.

Source: WSJ Op-ed: Dangers Rise as America Retreats – Liz Cheney for U.S. Congress |

Sultan Knish: Why We Will Defeat Islam

A cell of three people somewhere in New Jersey is really hard to disrupt because you don’t know about it. Secrecy is the greatest weapon of Islamic terrorists. It goes out the window when they have a state.

Victimhood becomes much harder. It’s why the PLO and Hamas don’t really want a Palestinian State. They want to demand one until the camels come home. And they want to blame Israel for it.

But actually having a state means having responsibility. You get treated like a country. And you get bombed like a country.

Source: Sultan Knish: Why We Will Defeat Islam


The symbiotic relationship between the Westboro Baptists and the Left

Here’s the reality: The Westboro Baptist Church is tiny, with only about 40 members. It is not recognized by any mainstream Christian church, including Baptist or other fundamental churches. So far as I know, the church members have never committed an act of violence: no shootings, bombings, stonings, stabbings, beheadings, or even punchings. They are disgusting and cruel, but otherwise completely harmless.

Source: The symbiotic relationship between the Westboro Baptists and the Left

The Disease of Modern Liberalism | The Z Blog

That’s what’s important to understand about the Progressive mind. These are not people who think like normal people. Instead, they are completely immersed in their secular religion, in the same way the Muslim fanatics are consumed by Islam. No matter what happens in the world, the Left looks for a cause in the tenets of their faith. In this case, it is Magic Shape Theory that says shaping metal into a gun imbues it with the power to take possession of a human, making them into a killer.

Source: The Disease of Modern Liberalism | The Z Blog

Articles: Islamist or Progressive? It’s getting hard to tell the Difference

As we have seen at recent political rallies and gatherings, leftists are increasingly adopting the Islamist perspective that violence against nonbelievers in the advancement of their intolerant extremism is perfectly acceptable, because their opponents deserve it for their apostasy.

Source: Articles: Islamist or Progressive? It’s getting hard to tell the Difference