Articles: A Monstrous Moral Leviathan

“And for those who roll their eyes at the mention of slippery slopes when it comes to this ruling, our president, his administration and members of the judicial, academic, and media elite and their vast bureaucracies are now robbing children of their God-given, biological identity.”

Source: Articles: A Monstrous Moral Leviathan

Navy Lesbian Briefings 1952

Including info on how they have to recruit because no one is ‘born’ that way, as proved by the current LGBT issues concerning ‘self-identification’, ie, choice.

Blog: Venezuela seizing factories, arresting owners

This is what Obama, Hillary, and every Democrat in this country want to do to us.

“Socialism’s toxicity has never been more tellingly demonstrated than in Venezuela, which is rich in natural resources, but falling apart, threatening to become another North Korea, all in the name of socialism.”

Source: Blog: Venezuela seizing factories, arresting owners

The misogyny behind Obama’s Title IX order re trans people in public schools — by guest blogger Lulu

“Compassion is in order for anyone who suffers from some kind of body dysmorphic disorder. Still, we don’t treat an anorexic who thinks she is fat with the assurance that she is right, and then help her to lose more weight:”

Source: The misogyny behind Obama’s Title IX order re trans people in public schools — by guest blogger Lulu