Unsocial Media | The Z Blog

I think what we are seeing is two things. One is the Progressive enforcers have squandered their legitimacy enforcing rules that are unenforceable. People get tired of being treated like children by depressed women taking revenge on the world as forum moderators. So, there is demand. There’s also the fact that people trafficking in the ideas popular on the fringe want to debate with others into the same things. There’s nothing more dull than reading a comment section filled with mainstream drivel.

Source: Unsocial Media | The Z Blog

Bayou Renaissance Man: Cities, what they do to people, and the 2016 elections

I’ve personally encountered young people who’ve never made the connection between the piece of meat they’ve just bought, and a living, breathing creature that was slaughtered to provide it. In one case, the person concerned burst into tears at the thought that an animal had died to provide her meal – and this was a woman who’d be considered educated, with a university degree. In contrast, rural dwellers see their food being produced all around them, and understand it as a basic, fundamental act of life to do so.

Source: Bayou Renaissance Man: Cities, what they do to people, and the 2016 elections

Behold the Courage of Colin Kaepernick, America’s Greatest Hero – Kurt Schlichter

And then there are the people who call Kaepernick “brave.” Some people really think that this tattooed goof is taking a risk. Of what? Of being celebrated by the liberal media? Of getting attention his abilities on the field sure won’t earn him? Hell, the NFL won’t even clearly repudiate his idiotic views; of course, it also won’t let the Cowboys honor the cops some other Black Lives Matter fan murdered. That’s another reason to eschew pro sports.

Source: Behold the Courage of Colin Kaepernick, America’s Greatest Hero – Kurt Schlichter

Ruling Class Madness | The Z Blog

The open borders types never bother to explain how their new borderless society will work or what would happen if it turns out to be something other than paradise. When anyone bothers to ask them, they respond like it is obvious, but to date no one has tried to explain how a world without borders could possible work. The best they can muster is something about “who we are” which is ridiculous in a world without borders, as there is no “we” for us to be. It’s madness dressed up as morality.

Source: Ruling Class Madness | The Z Blog

The Restoration | The Z Blog

Trump is a self-promoter, in the old fashioned sense. He uses hyperbole freely and amusingly. You know he is polishing the apple and he knows you know he is polishing the apple. In the political realm, this makes it hard to pin him down on specifics. It’s an effective political tactic, in fact, it is a great tactic, but it makes it hard to know exactly how Trump will attempt to govern.

Source: The Restoration | The Z Blog