Cory Booker: Planet Cannot Sustain People Eating Meat – Moonbattery

Booker told the vegan magazine VegNews earlier this month that he became vegan after coming to the realization that eating eggs “didn’t align with my spirit.”

So it’s a religious thing with ‘Fartacus‘…

While claiming he does not want to lecture Americans on their diets, Booker says Americans need to be nudged into fake cheese because the planet cannot sustain the “environmental impact” of the food industry.

Nudged? Now he wants to impose his religion on others.

Source: Cory Booker: Planet Cannot Sustain People Eating Meat – Moonbattery

British Woman Arrested for Referencing Factual Truth – Moonbattery

Progressive tyranny has reached such an extreme in the moonbat dystopia formerly known as Great Britain that people are literally imprisoned for stating factual truth rather than politically preferred lies:

Tell the truth, go to jail? Hmmm. I wonder how that will work in court?

Court: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

Me: Hell NO!!! You go to jail for that!

Source: British Woman Arrested for Referencing Factual Truth – Moonbattery

Liberals Trying To Kill Electoral College Without Constitutional Amendment – The Lid

So, the even bigger problem here is that if the liberals succeed in their plan to dismantle the Electoral College – the votes of a few states will determine the presidency instead of the votes of a majority of the states. Hillary built an insurmountable popular vote lead of 8.6 million votes on only five states; CA, NY, IL, MA, and MD. The Democrats are very well aware of this, which is why they are fighting hard to get rid of the Electoral College.

What we have here is bullying. The big states are trying to bully the small states.

Source: Liberals Trying To Kill Electoral College Without Constitutional Amendment – The Lid

‘Gender,’ Envy and Self-Pity

Ace of Spades summarizes a not-so-surprising discovery: [F]emale-to-male transgenders are discovering that “Male Privilege” actually doesn’t exist, and that the actual privilege belongs to women.

Source: ‘Gender,’ Envy and Self-Pity

Read the whole post. It is good. I do want to follow a digression in the article and ‘ditto’ this digression:

Incidentally, here’s something about me: I don’t watch YouTube videos. If you want to tell me something, write it. For any literate person, reading is far more efficient than listening to the spoken word. I am an extremely fast reader, and could fully comprehend the transcript of an entire 15-minute video in less than two minutes, and why should I waste that additional time? This is why I’m sometimes confounded by the fame, such as it is, of YouTube “celebrities.” There are people out there who have hundreds of thousands of YouTube subscribers and rate as “celebrities” within whatever niche of fandom they appeal to, and I’ve never heard of them, because I don’t watch YouTube videos. And when I see someone like Carl Benjamin (a/k/a, Sargon of Akkad) making a really good point in a YouTube video, I am tempted to yell at my computer: “WHERE’S THE F–KING TRANSCRIPT?” Like, you couldn’t even be bothered to write up your argument as a blog post? If you believe what you’re saying on your YouTube channel is important, wouldn’t it reach a wider audience and have more impact if you took time to publish a transcript, or at least a synopsis of your argument? But I digress . . .

Amen. I don’t watch YouTube videos either, with one exception: Learning a new skill or craft. I’ve been learning guitar off of YouTube videos. Also honing my woodworking skills with videos. That’s it. I can learn in several ways but some things you just have to be shown how to do. Opinions, history, philosophy, legislation, news… I want to READ it! I read and comprehend quickly. I was reading college level in fourth grade. (Doesn’t mean I understood it all, of course.)

The problem here is education, or the lack thereof, of the English language today. Most YouTubers probably can’t write a proper sentence. (or write it in cursive.) Those old ‘diagram a sentence’ exercises I had throughout school are probably not taught anymore. As for writing in cursive:

Some argue that cursive is no longer relevant because it isn’t included in the Common Core State Standards. But these standards only include those skills that are testable and measurable in the classroom; they don’t address basic foundation skills, like handwriting or even spelling. That said, the Common Core emphasizes the importance of expository writing to demonstrate understanding of key concepts, and fast, legible handwriting is the technology universally available to students to facilitate content development. Cursive, therefore, is vital to helping students master the standards of written expression and critical thinking, life skills that go well beyond the classroom.

Add in the fact that Johnny can’t read:

In 2015, said APR writer Emily Hanford, only 56 percent of Bethlehem students were proficient in reading, so Kim Harper was charged with finding out why.

The problem?

The teachers were talking about how students should attack words in a story. When a child came to a word she didn’t know, the teacher would tell her to look at the picture and guess.

Word-guessing. The teachers apparently had no idea how to teach reading. They thought if they could just throw words at the students, they would figure it out. They all had education degrees but none of them had ever been taught how to teach children to read.

Reading and writing go together. If you can’t do either you end up on YouTube talking way too much instead of writing down your arguments in clear, concise, logical paragraphs.

Like Robert Stacey McCain says in the article, I digress. But I thought I was the only one annoyed by this reliance on videos and just had to rant.

De Blasio on Amazon HQ: Must ‘Hold Their Feet to the Fire’ on Progressive Values

“We want to see jobs for public housing residents, we want to see unionized employees in the distribution centers, and we’re going to fight for that.”

Progressive values? Examples:

• Negative right to life.

• Negative right to free speech.

• Negative right to freedom of religion.

• Negative right to freedom of association.

• Negative right to keep and bear arms.

Progressive values are negative values.

Source: De Blasio on Amazon HQ: Must ‘Hold Their Feet to the Fire’ on Progressive Values

Quotes from my reading…

Working my way through Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America. I find this quote interesting given that the Democrats have just submitted a Constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College. They really do want to run roughshod all over us.

The omnipotence of the majority appears to me to present such extreme perils to the American republics that the dangerous measure which is used to repress it seems to be more advantageous than prejudicial. And here I am about to advance a proposition which may remind the reader of what I said before in speaking of municipal freedom: There are no countries in which associations are more needed to prevent the despotism of faction or the arbitrary power of a prince than those which are democratically constituted. In aristocratic nations, the body of the nobles and the more opulent part of the community are in themselves natural associations, which act as checks upon the abuses of power. In countries in which these associations do not exist, if private individuals are unable to create an artificial and a temporary substitute for them, I can imagine no permanent protection against the most galling tyranny; and a great people may be oppressed by a small faction, or by a single individual, with impunity.

— Alexis de Tocqueville, Observations on American Life and Government, from Democracy in America


Crazy People Are Dangerous: Anthony Halliday a/k/a ‘Stephanie Hayden’

The face of mental illness…

Do you see what happens when we permit the rhetoric of “civil rights” to be hijacked by lunatics and perverts? Graham Linehan never sought to interfere with Halliday’s fetish of wearing women’s clothing and pretending to be a woman named “Stephanie.” Rather, it is the bullying behavior of “transgender activism” which brought Halliday/“Hayden” to public attention and prompted Linehan’s criticism.

If your state or local authorities attempt to impose transgender “equality” by law, your free-speech rights could soon be similarly infringed.

Source: Crazy People Are Dangerous: Anthony Halliday a/k/a ‘Stephanie Hayden’ Continue reading Crazy People Are Dangerous: Anthony Halliday a/k/a ‘Stephanie Hayden’

This is the next tactic to disarm us – Personal Liberty®

There are millions of gun owners in America who consider themselves Christian. Now we have atheists in places of influence and power declaring ad hoc that Christianity is a mental disorder that can and should be cured. The day is soon coming where a person’s Christianity will get him labeled as mentally defective and therefore ineligible to possess weapons.

Democrats and all other flavors of leftists are, by definition, mentally ill and should be banned from gun ownership and holding any elective office. Round them up and dump them in San Francisco. Then quarantine San Francisco.

Source: This is the next tactic to disarm us – Personal Liberty®

The Top 10 Reasons You Should Own An AR-15 Rifle

By process of elimination, that leaves being prepared to defeat tyranny as the most relevant of the militia’s purposes today, as James Madison and Alexander Hamilton envisioned in The Federalist Nos. 46, 28, and 29. That is to say, not to merely “resist” tyranny, as the late Justice Antonin Scalia, mischaracterizing Justice Joseph Story’s “Commentaries on the Constitution,” pretended in District of Columbia v. Heller (2008, pp. 24-25), and certainly not to do so unsuccessfully (Heller, pp. 55-56).

Being prepared to defeat tyranny is relevant for another reason. When the left achieves absolute power in a country, it murders its political opponents.

We’ve seen this murderous intention stated most recently by Democrat Representative Eric Swalwell who said that the U.S. government would use its nuclear weapons in a hypothetical war against Second Amendment supporters refusing to give up their firearms.

Source: The Top 10 Reasons You Should Own An AR-15 Rifle

Those Who Unmake Civilization

Once you take over, once you deny common people their rights, the product of their efforts, the ability to earn and save for a better future, it doesn’t matter what words you use to justify it.

“In the name of the people” becomes functionally indistinguishable from “by divine right.” It becomes unchecked power. It becomes the ability to rule and do what you think is best, without restraint.

It becomes Auschwitz or Siberia. It becomes mass graves and immiseration. It becomes Venezuela and Zimbabwe, and people eating house pets, and starving children.

The only way to stop these things, crimes as old as time, the result of people being given unlimited power, is to give to the common people — the folks who aren’t born of “something” don’t have the right ideas or the right education or the right pedigree — the same rights as you give “the important people.” Even if you disagree with people’s way of conducting themselves. Even if you think their ideas are zany, you have to give them basic civil liberties: the right to property, the right to life, the right to due judicial process to include the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.

Because when you take that way, you’re reposing power in the hands of the power hungry, who will devour the world and never be satisfied. That way lies atrocities, mass graves. More importantly, that way lies the loss of “bourgeois virtues” by the common people because what’s the point of working hard, saving, and being wise, if in the end your stuff will just be taken away and given to other people?

We’re already well down the road to that insanity. Things like progressive taxation and confusing victimhood and virtue are already an ethical blot on the face of our society, and rats gnawing at the foundations of what made the West great.

This is the goal of Democrats and RINOs. Both are enemies of freedom and the Constitution.

Source: Those Who Unmake Civilization