Articles: Hillary’s ‘Deplorable’ Ain’t the Half of It

Has the white middle class reacted to injustice by descent into riot and mayhem? No, they just quietly go to the nearest Trump rally and hope that he really will Make America Great Again.

Has the white middle class rallied to a racist White Lives Matter movement? No, and no billionaires have been offering money like the way George Soros has ponied up cash for the racist Black Lives Matter.

Source: Articles: Hillary’s ‘Deplorable’ Ain’t the Half of It

The Restoration | The Z Blog

Trump is a self-promoter, in the old fashioned sense. He uses hyperbole freely and amusingly. You know he is polishing the apple and he knows you know he is polishing the apple. In the political realm, this makes it hard to pin him down on specifics. It’s an effective political tactic, in fact, it is a great tactic, but it makes it hard to know exactly how Trump will attempt to govern.

Source: The Restoration | The Z Blog

A Culture of Lies | The Z Blog

That’s the reality of this event. Barak Obama, on the other hand, blames it on Magic Shape Theory™. He claim this man was exposed to metal and plastic formed into mystical shapes that imbued them with the power to take over the mind of this one guy, turning him into a murderer. Therefore he is calling on his chief sorcerer to cast a level three wishing spell to prevent this particular shape from forming again. That way, no one will ever be possessed by this shape and turned into a killer.

Source: A Culture of Lies | The Z Blog

Trump vs. Cuckservatives (and Left) – The Unz Review

As outlined in the 1993 essay collection Words That Wound, one of the most widely distributed products of Critical Race Legal Theory, the goal of multicultural activists is to develop a legal framework which will characterize “racist hate speech” (i.e. truthful observations) as no longer protected by the First Amendment.

The upshot is that Trump is right.

Source: Trump vs. Cuckservatives (and Left) – The Unz Review

WyBlog — Well, I did it. I voted for Trump in the NJ primary. Because, #NeverHillary

America as we know it won’t last six months after the Dowager Empress of Chappaqua is inaugurated.

Why? Because she’ll finish what Obama started, erasing the Bill of Rights, trampling the Constitution, coddling our enemies, ruining the economy, and opening our borders to the Mohammedan hordes and Mexican drug lords. Oh, not to mention the enshrinement of Pay-to-Play as the only way to get anything done in her White House.

She will start the next American civil war.

Source: WyBlog — Well, I did it. I voted for Trump in the NJ primary. Because, #NeverHillary

What The Left by Effort and The Right by Complacency Have Wrought – Vlad Davidiuk

For decades now, the racially-motivated, culturally intolerant, religiously bigoted, economically destructive Left has increasingly divided Americans, exacerbating ruptures, exposing fault lines on every issue of significance, down to the foundations of the Republic, in a never-ending quest to redefine society, fundamentally transform American identity, and attain and hold power over every individual.

Source: What The Left by Effort and The Right by Complacency Have Wrought – Vlad Davidiuk