Incidentally, a friend of mine came up with a wonderful scenario for the first debate against Hillary. (In his and my fantasy, Cruz has managed to win the convention. This fantasy would work for Trump, but less well than for Cruz, because Trump is also up to his neck in that swampy intersection between politics and business as usual.)
Here’s the fantasy:Cruz walks out on the stage and announces, “I do not understand why this woman is standing there. Solely on the evidence available, we know that she’s broken myriad very serious federal laws and that she’s substantially harmed national security. In a just nation, she would be indicted and, perhaps, even on her way to prison by now. Instead, we’ve become a nation with two sets of laws — one, a harsh one, for ordinary Americans; and another one, a disgracefully lax one, for those politically connected to the ruling Democrat party. I can tell you here and now that, in a Cruz administration, the law will apply equally to all Americans.”
Source: Bookworm Room – Conservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and sell them as facts.