The Faith Of The Left

American Progressives are the purest form of true believers, because they have disconnected their beliefs from practical considerations. Therefore, they are immune to facts and reason. When you examine the language they use to describe politics and the culture, you see the extreme mysticism. Obama does not even really know what “left behind” means, but he is sure it is a bad thing. For him, it is a purely a spiritual issue to be thought of in those terms. Practical considerations simply have no salience for him.

Progressivism, Liberalism, Socialism, whatever you want to call it, is a false religion.

Who Runs March for Our Lives?

Florida is notably absent from the roll call. Instead the organization, one of a number of seeming incarnations of the March for Our Lives brand, draws on established activist talent from the usual places, Chicago, Los Angeles and Washington D.C. There’s nothing particularly local about it.

March for Our Lives is funded by Hollywood celebs, it’s led by a Hollywood producer and its finances are routed through an obscure tax firm in the Valley. Its treasurer and secretary are Washington D.C. pros. And a top funder of gun control agendas is also one of its directors.

None of this has much to do with Parkland.

Read the whole thing: Who Runs March For Our Lives?

‘New California’ Could Become the Next West Virginia

“The new legislature and officials were quickly recognized by President Donald Trump, who, citing his authority under the Insurrection Act and Article IV section 4 of the United States Constitution, deemed them the official government of the state, and sent federal troops from the 101st Airborne Division to Fresno to ensure that what he called ‘leftovers’ of the ‘old, failed state government’ were unable to ’cause trouble.’ President Trump’s recognition was echoed in a joint resolution of the Republican-controlled Congress, which perhaps anticipated the addition of two new Republican senators.”

Source: ‘New California’ Could Become the Next West Virginia

Splitsylvania: State Secession and What to Do About It

This short piece looks at the growing phenomenon of intra-state secession movements. From California, where plans have been floated to split the state into two, five, or six pieces, to more traditional secessionist movements in Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington, to plans to separate upstate New York and downstate Illinois from the large metropolitan areas that dominate state politics, various states are facing internal separatist movements. The paper looks at the sources of the dissatisfaction driving these movements, and suggests a number of solutions to address that dissatisfaction without amending the Constitution or adding stars to the flag.

A paper by Glenn Reynolds. Download the pdf file.

Blog: GOP donor sues party for fraud over Obamacare repeal

The GOP “has been engaged in a pattern of Racketeering which involves massive fraud perpetrated on Republican voters and contributors as well as some Independents and Democrats,” the suit said. Racketeering, perhaps better known for use in prosecuting organized crime, involves a pattern of illegal behavior by a specific group.

Source: Blog: GOP donor sues party for fraud over Obamacare repeal

Progressives have mounted a dangerous attack on American democracy

The EC was intended to serve two purposes: (1) To remove mobs from directly electing the president (and we can see with Progressives how out of control and damn stupid mobs can be); and (2) to ensure that more populous states do not entirely remove the less populous states from the election process.

Source: Progressives have mounted a dangerous attack on American democracy

I Hear That Train a Comin’ | ANTZ-IN-PANTZ ……

Read an article about that whiney assed bitch HilLIARy Clintoon and found this posted in the comments by a commenter named Frederic Ustinov. Way to go Fred, Johnny Cash would have been proud. I hea…

“I hear that train a comin’
It’s rollin’ round the bend.
Gonna pick up Mrs. Clinton
And take her to the pen.
They’ll have her coronation
Make her cell block queen
Hillary for prison
two thousand and sixteen
They’ve got an orange pants suit
A-hangin’ on the wall
A cell for Bubba Willie
Just a ways on down the hall.
We’ll put ‘em in the big house
And lock them up inside.
‘Less a mess of witnesses
Commits a ‘suicide’
Remember James McDougal
Then all of 30 more
The night before they testify,
they’re dead upon the floor.
They’re pilin’ up the bodies
Like the way they did back then
They want back in the White House
So here we go again.
Glue the china to the table
Nail the table to the floor
Lock up all the silver
‘fore they haul it out the door
Those grifters in the White House
Beats all I’d ever seen.
Hillary for prison
two thousand and sixteen.”
—Frederic Ustinov

Source: I Hear That Train a Comin’ | ANTZ-IN-PANTZ ……