More of that Famous Leftist ProgNazi Tolerance on Display | Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler

So, in that sense, the Brownshirts in their dying spasms, might actually have done the nation a favor. They’re not only making Trump voters feel really, really good about their choice, they’re making ever more sure that they and their fascist, violent hordes won’t ever get within two time zones of the levers of power again. At least not for the foreseeable future.

Source: More of that Famous Leftist ProgNazi Tolerance on Display | Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler

John Hawkins – 7 Things Liberals Should Learn From This Election But Won’t

Barack Obama was the most radical President in American history. During his tenure in office, gay marriage was forced on an unwilling country. As a follow-up, Christians who refused to cater gay weddings were persecuted by the government while liberals insisted that mentally ill men should be able to use the bathroom with women and little girls.

Source: John Hawkins – 7 Things Liberals Should Learn From This Election But Won’t

Articles: Censoring Language as Offensive Violates the Constitution

But like many other liberal power-enabling concepts, those perpetrating it intend to repeat it so often that it becomes accepted by a majority of Americans. But it cannot survive constitutional scrutiny for the simple reason that in order to accept the censorship authority of person A, one has to disqualify the censorship authority of person B. Simply put, this implies that one person’s feeling of being offended has value, and everyone else’s doesn’t.

Source: Articles: Censoring Language as Offensive Violates the Constitution


The Bookworm Beat 10/25/16 – the CLINTON BULLIES edition and open thread – Bookworm Room

Emotional abuse is a favorite technique for bullies. This one poster sums up perfectly why so many Americans who refuse to be victims but, instead, want to regain control over their destinies, are turning to Trump:

Source: The Bookworm Beat 10/25/16 – the CLINTON BULLIES edition and open thread – Bookworm Room


Articles: A Blizzard of Snowflakes

If you’re like me, you’re probably puzzled by this childish display and horrified to think that these people are allowed to vote. But the last line in the above quote might be the true reason for this “Recess” — that is, it’s to drum up business for the counseling infrastructure that is growing like topsy at colleges and universities across the nation.

Source: Articles: A Blizzard of Snowflakes

Broken Women | The Z Blog

Second Wave Feminism was proof that women, lacking a man around to say no, will begin to commit suicide by destroying the culture that allows them to prosper. That it quickly degenerated into Third Wave Feminism is all the proof you need. The Wikipedia entry for Third Wave Feminism is mostly just word salad because there’s no way to provide a concise description of what amounts to a grab bag of outburst by mentally ill women. That can be taken literally.

Source: Broken Women | The Z Blog

Articles: Men without Chests Threaten Civilization

When societies fail to teach morality and train the hearts of men to embrace and emulate virtuous behavior, they produce “Men without Chests,” individuals who are intelligent but behave like animals – men who don’t practice the virtues and are controlled by their appetites. Such men will lose their humanity, prophesied Lewis; they will no longer be human.

Source: Articles: Men without Chests Threaten Civilization