Muslim Imam Refuses To Swear On Constitution, Judge Refuses Something Of His

When leftists defend Islam, they are defending wife beating, child marriage, slavery, and the execution of homosexuals, adulterers, blasphemers, and apostates — just like Allah commanded and the Islamic prophet Muhammad modeled. In essence, they are advocating for everything they claim to stand against.

This needs to be done in every country. Especially the USA.

Source: Muslim Imam Refuses To Swear On Constitution, Judge Refuses Something Of His


Cardinal: Muslims and Christians Don’t Worship ‘Same God’, Sharia Not Founded on Love | Creeping Sharia

The Cardinal said that unlike Christianity, sharia is “not a law that’s founded on love. To say that we all believe in love is simply not correct.”


Source: Cardinal: Muslims and Christians Don’t Worship ‘Same God’, Sharia Not Founded on Love | Creeping Sharia

WSJ Op-ed: Dangers Rise as America Retreats – Liz Cheney for U.S. Congress |

As he released terrorists to return to the field of battle, Mr. Obama was simultaneously withdrawing American forces from Iraq and Afghanistan. He calls this policy “ending wars.” Most reasonable people recognize this approach as losing wars.

Source: WSJ Op-ed: Dangers Rise as America Retreats – Liz Cheney for U.S. Congress |

Exclusive to the Trib: The immutable lessons of 9/11 | TribLIVE

Nonetheless, on that September day 15 years ago, Americans knew that unlike prior provocations that often went unanswered, these attacks could not be ignored or brushed aside. And they were not, certainly not by President George W. Bush. Taliban and al-Qaida were driven from power in Afghanistan in a brilliant military campaign. No due process rights were afforded on the Afghan battlefield, nor should they have been, any more than enemy combatants received U.S. constitutional protections in any other war we have fought. It was war, not law-enforcement, we were conducting, and rightly so.

Source: Exclusive to the Trib: The immutable lessons of 9/11 | TribLIVE

Sultan Knish: Why We Will Defeat Islam

A cell of three people somewhere in New Jersey is really hard to disrupt because you don’t know about it. Secrecy is the greatest weapon of Islamic terrorists. It goes out the window when they have a state.

Victimhood becomes much harder. It’s why the PLO and Hamas don’t really want a Palestinian State. They want to demand one until the camels come home. And they want to blame Israel for it.

But actually having a state means having responsibility. You get treated like a country. And you get bombed like a country.

Source: Sultan Knish: Why We Will Defeat Islam


Sultan Knish: Nation Building or Islam Building

We did no better in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan whose constitution declared much the same thing. Its first parliamentary elections saw victories for the National Islamic Movement of Afghanistan and the Islamic Society. As in Iraq and Syria, the distinctions between the bad Islamists and the good Islamists were often fuzzy at best. We had replaced the bad Islamist warlords who raped and murdered their enemies with the good Islamist warlords who raped and murdered their enemies.

Source: Sultan Knish: Nation Building or Islam Building