ISLAM: A Religion of Peace or Hate? Muhammad, the Quran and Islamic Beliefs | The Whole Story

Not ALL Muslims are terrorists. Not every Muslim is a bad person. The problem does not lie with the people. The problem lies with the text and leader that EVERY ONE of them follows and that is the Quran and Prophet Muhammad. Muslims study a book of hate and bow down several times a day to Allah, who used his prophet to raid villages and rape young girls.

Anyone following this ‘religion’ is mentally ill at best.

Source: ISLAM: A Religion of Peace or Hate? Muhammad, the Quran and Islamic Beliefs | The Whole Story

Europe’s Childless Leaders Sleepwalking Us to Disaster

Europe’s most important leaders are all childless: British PM Theresa May, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and the French presidential hopeful Emmanuel Macron. The list continues with Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, Luxembourg’s Prime Minister Xavier Bettel and Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

Source: Europe’s Childless Leaders Sleepwalking Us to Disaster

GOP GIRL BLOG: Islam, The Religion of “Peace”?

How can a religion be one of “peace” if it is a religion that has zero tolerance for those belonging to other religions? How can a religion of “peace” order its followers to subdue people of other religions or kill them? How can a religion of “peace” be one of peace if it refuses to co-exist with other religions? How is a religion a religion of “peace” when their bible, the Quran, contains some 500 verses that speak of their God, Allah’s, hatred for non-Muslims? How can a religion of “peace” not give the same rights to women as it gives to men? How can a religion of “peace” allow men to beat their wives for disobedience? How can a religion of “peace” condone the taking of women as sex slaves? How can a religion of “peace” allow the raping of non-Muslim women? How can a religion of “peace” condone the killing of gay men and women? How can a religion of “peace” condone “Jihad”, the calling for a holy war as to spread the religion of Islam? How can a religion of “peace” be one of peace when it encourages terrorism in the name of its God, “Allah”? How can a religion of “peace” be not a facilitator of democracy? I ask, how can a religion of “peace” be a religion when its belief system is one of widespread violence?

Source: GOP GIRL BLOG: Islam, The Religion of “Peace”?

The Ugly Truth about Muslim Grievances | Frontpage Mag

This is not the sort of grievance that animates many Muslims – and certainly not those who resort to terrorism.

Rather, they are animated by a supremacist-based grievance: they get angry seeing infidels on an equal footing with Muslims. And they get murderous seeing infidels actually lording over Muslims.

Source: The Ugly Truth about Muslim Grievances | Frontpage Mag

Sultan Knish: Who Will Teach Tolerance to the Muslims?

And unlike the members of every other major American religion who don’t believe that they are under a current obligation by their deity to slaughter heathens and infidels– Muslims still think they’re on a mission from Allah to force the world to live by the rules set down by an illiterate 7th century warlord whose idea of a friendly greeting was ‘Aslim Taslam’, or in the latin, “Convert to My Religion and I Won’t Kill You”.

Source: Sultan Knish: Who Will Teach Tolerance to the Muslims?

Sultan Knish: Are We Refugeed Out Yet?

Iraq is a failed state. Before we intervened, it was held together by torture, terror and genocide. Now the only things holding it together are torture, terror and genocide. We should take Christian refugees fleeing the Muslim conflicts in that country, but we should not import its Islamic culture of violence.

America has done far more than its share. We have opened our doors to Iraqi refugees. And in return, the people of this land were exposed to terror and horrific refugee crimes. Enough is enough.

Source: Sultan Knish: Are We Refugeed Out Yet?

Sultan Knish: Savages of Stockholm

Some people would call that savagery, but that sort of talk is politically incorrect. And we all know that there are no such things as savages. The true savages are the people who use scientific principles to make cars and then use the money to commission paintings of soaring eagles for museums because they are greedy exploiters of the planet. On the other hand, the noble savages whose herds of sheep and goats turn fertile land into desert, who burned the great libraries of civilization and who believe that the hair of women emits rays that passing airplanes have to be protected from are close to nature.

Source: Sultan Knish: Savages of Stockholm