That’s what’s important to understand about the Progressive mind. These are not people who think like normal people. Instead, they are completely immersed in their secular religion, in the same way the Muslim fanatics are consumed by Islam. No matter what happens in the world, the Left looks for a cause in the tenets of their faith. In this case, it is Magic Shape Theory that says shaping metal into a gun imbues it with the power to take possession of a human, making them into a killer.
Category: Hostile Invaders: Moslems
Articles: Islamist or Progressive? It’s getting hard to tell the Difference
As we have seen at recent political rallies and gatherings, leftists are increasingly adopting the Islamist perspective that violence against nonbelievers in the advancement of their intolerant extremism is perfectly acceptable, because their opponents deserve it for their apostasy.
Source: Articles: Islamist or Progressive? It’s getting hard to tell the Difference
Muslim Students Demand Special Prayer Room, School Wipes Grin Off Their Faces
Unlike any other religion, culture, or ideology, Islam has conquered over 50 countries through migration, birth rate, conversion, and the slaughter of over 270 million in just 1,400 years. The fairly young religion is an expert at establishing Sharia governances that push out religious minorities. However, they have had much more success through political correctness.
It is not a religion; it a fascist, totalitarian political movement for misogynist, immature men. It should be banned and wiped off the earth.
Source: Muslim Students Demand Special Prayer Room, School Wipes Grin Off Their Faces
Sultan Knish: Islam’s Violence is Rooted in Instability
Western societies seek to settle permanently. They plan for the long term. Nomadic tribals burn through resources, viewing cities and institutions as assets to strip, raid and dispose of, before moving on. The Islamic migration is not a new phenomenon and Europe is not meant to be its stopping point.
Source: Sultan Knish: Islam’s Violence is Rooted in Instability
Mohammad’s goat is still in mourning…
Pretty sure it’s fake (no body parts flying) but still amusing!
Hey, how about putting a Muslim migrant center right next door to a nudist camp…what could possibly go wrong?
Ms. Thoens said that any migrants who come to Germany should be expected to adapt to the local culture — including accepting nudism, which finds its origins in German culture.
BTW, they aren’t ‘migrants’. They are hostile invaders and should be treated accordingly.
Surrendering to Death
“These atheists tell us we don’t need religion, yet everyone seems to be creating flimsy substitutes to replace it. Rehab is just Lent. Meditation is just Latin Mass. Seeing a therapist is just talking to your priest.”
Source: Surrendering to Death
The proper way to treat Islam
Divine Deception Article Redesign-13-FINAL-NOPIX.indd – Divine Deceptio_ALNOPIX-X1A.pdf
An eight-page pdf file.
Source: Divine Deception Article Redesign-13-FINAL-NOPIX.indd – Divine Deceptio_ALNOPIX-X1A.pdf