Sex and State Power

In the Muslim world, women are viewed as temptresses, and men as feeble creatures incapable of resisting feminine wiles. The only way to control the anarchy that this perceived sexual imbalance creates is for the State — and remember that Islam and the State are indistinguishable from each other — to exert total dominion over the women within its reach.

Source: Sex and State Power

What I Learned in the Peace Corps in Africa: Trump Is Right

Non-Westerners do not magically become American by arriving on our shores with a visa.

The Ten Commandments were not disobeyed – they were unknown.  The value system was the exact opposite.  You were supposed to steal everything you can to give to your own relatives.  There are some Westernized Africans who try to rebel against the system.  They fail.…

Americans think it is a universal human instinct to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  It’s not.  It seems natural to us because we live in a Bible-based Judeo-Christian culture.

We think the Protestant work ethic is universal.  It’s not.  My town was full of young men doing nothing.  They were waiting for a government job.  There was no private enterprise.  Private business was not illegal, just impossible, given the nightmare of a third-world bureaucratic kleptocracy.  It is also incompatible with Senegalese insistence on taking care of relatives.

Frankly, they sound a lot like Democrats. No wonder Democrats want open borders.

Source: What I Learned in the Peace Corps in Africa: Trump Is Right

Lessons for America From India’s War Against Muslim Illegal Migrants

What makes America’s border different from those of so many other countries isn’t the lack of fencing. Smugglers, traffickers, and assorted criminals can often find weak points in any security setup. In most countries, the defense of the border is seen as a national security issue backed by real firepower.

America’s Border Patrol has less than 20,000 people. India’s Border Security Force has 186 battalions and 257,363 people. It’s a paramilitary organization with an intelligence network, ten artillery units, air and marine wings, and canine and even camel units. And the weapons aren’t just there for show.

Over 1,000 illegal infiltrators have been killed trying to enter India from Bangladesh in over a decade.

BSF personnel are allowed to shoot on sight.

And that is what we need to be doing on our borders.

Source: Lessons for America From India’s War Against Muslim Illegal Migrants

Democrat Congresswoman Secretly Sending Staff To Mexico To Coach Migrants How To Beat System, Report Says


The face of treason: Democrat Rep. Veronica Escobar (TX)

Mark H. Metcalf, a former federal immigration judge, told the Examiner that a criminal case could be brought against Escobar if she is found to be involved in the alleged scheme, which amounts to fraud and making false statements to U.S. officials.

Fraud? Hell no! This is aiding and abetting foreign criminals to break U.S. laws. It is giving aid and comfort to hostile invaders.

It is treason.

She, and her staff, should hang.

Source: Democrat Congresswoman Secretly Sending Staff To Mexico To Coach Migrants How To Beat System, Report Says

Justifying “Islamophobia”

My assessment of Islam, conclusively supported by indisputable facts, is that it is a dangerous, destructive and death-bearing belief system of a long-ago savage people that has inflicted and continues to inflict misery and death to people.  According to Christopher Hitchens, Islamophobia is a word created by fascists, and used by cowards, to manipulate morons.

Islam is a degenerate, hate-filled political ideology that should be banned in any civilized society. Its adherents should be expelled or executed. Its ‘mosques’ and other properties should be confiscated by the state.

Those who believe Islam is a ‘peaceful religion’ are deluded Islam-deniers who should be expelled also.

Source: Justifying “Islamophobia”

Illegal aliens are not ‘fine’ or ‘great’ people

FGP would learn the language and the laws and apply for immigration before leaving their countries of origin, and they would not come if denied.  They wouldn’t act as if they had a right to be here after crossing the border illegally.  They wouldn’t treat the sidewalks like bathrooms and break into unguarded homes and businesses.

Obvious to anyone but Democrats.

Source: Illegal aliens are not ‘fine’ or ‘great’ people

Islamophilia: A Neurotic Reaction Against Truth

All other world religions make some significant peace claims, but Islam fails to do so. Failure to acknowledge this historical reality means that the Islamophile’s defensive response in support of Islam is not only disproportionate, but is deviant and disordered. Its main goal is to harass the Christians and to disabuse the West of the idea that its Christian and Jewish foundation is valid. Experiencing Christianity as a form of cultural abuse, they wish, in turn, to abuse Christians. Islam is intended as the instrument of that abuse by the non-Islamic Islamophiles.

Islam is NOT a religion. It is a totalitarian political system:

Religions don’t do that.

Source: Islamophilia: A Neurotic Reaction Against Truth

PC is Jizya


Once upon a time we referred to the doctrines that originated with Mohammed by calling them Mohammedanism, just as we do with Confucianism and Manicheism. Now we call them Islam, “submission.” It is rather as if Muslims started calling Christianity by the English word “charity.”

If this were not about power, then all we should have to do is explain that we sometimes use the names of founders of sects in the terms thereof, and our interlocutors should then say, “Oh, I see; OK, no problem then.” But if they are not willing to do this, then their insistence that we change our parochial behavior to suit them, despite the fact that their objection to our customary practice makes no sense, is, precisely, an exercise of power. It is the linguistic equivalent of their insistence that we not walk our dogs in parks where they are enjoying themselves, or exercise our right of free speech by evangelizing on the street in the vicinity of their public gatherings, or install footbaths in all public restrooms. If this goes on, then at some point, logically, they will be insisting that our women wear the burka, so as not to offend their sensibilities. I mention this absurd result only to demonstrate the absurdity of the premise from which it sprang.…

The question then becomes: ought we to understand our language as the Muslims wrongly understand it, just to coddle their feelings? If we do, we are effectually submitting to them, and the submission is a type of jizya.

The very same thing is proceeding, along a different vector, with the feminization of English. E.g., eliminating “waiter” and “chairman” in favor of “waitperson” and “chair,” bowdlerizing Scripture, rewriting poems and hymns, changing quotations of eminent thinkers, on and on.…

I have duly renamed my Islamic links to Mohammedanism links and will use the spellings ‘Moslem’ and ‘Koran’ from now on.

Source: PC is Jizya

Short Circuit: A Roundup of Recent Federal Court Decisions

Unlawful alien, caught possessing a firearm, is charged with violating a federal law that categorically bars unlawful aliens from possessing firearms. Defense: That law violates the Second Amendment. Ninth Circuit: We’re not sure whether the Second Amendment applies to unlawful aliens in the first place, but even if it does, this law passes muster. It’s sufficiently tailored to the government’s crime-control interests since unlawful aliens are subject to removal, are often hard to trace, and “have already shown they are unable or unwilling to conform their conduct to the laws of this country.”

Did Hell freeze over? The Ninth Circus got one right!

Source: Short Circuit: A Roundup of Recent Federal Court Decisions