Democrats Turn The Clock Back To 1860

Liberal anti-Trump inclinations towards violence are not unprecedented wrote Payne. Last year, for instance, an editor of Vox called for innocent peoples’ property to be destroyed in response to Trump’s campaign.

As I’ve always said, Democrats in particular, and liberals in general, are anti-Constitution traitors.

Source: Democrats Turn The Clock Back To 1860

Bookworm Beat 1/30/17 — the “whole new world” political posters collection

Donald Trump is a shot of adrenaline to the American political system. His changes and the Leftist breakdown make for some fine political posters.

Source: Bookworm Beat 1/30/17 — the “whole new world” political posters collection

Say, What Are Warmists In Obama Administration Hiding? | John Hawkins’ Right Wing News

1. Can you provide a list of all boards, councils, commissions, working groups, and FACAs [Federal Advisory Committees] currently active at the Department? For each, can you please provide members, meeting schedules, and authority (statutory or otherwise) under which they were created?

If I were at DOE, this first question would indeed set MY hair on fire. The easiest way to get rid of something is to show that it was not properly established … boom, it’s gone. As a businessman myself, this question shows me that the incoming people know their business, and that the first order of business is to jettison the useless lumber.

Source: Say, What Are Warmists In Obama Administration Hiding? | John Hawkins’ Right Wing News

Bookworm Beat 12/6/16 — the “there’s nothing usual about politics” edition

And for the people in the media who don’t understand the Constitution (that would be almost everyone), let me explain: As long as Trump doesn’t pass laws shutting down the media, or engage in acts that deprive reporters of their civil rights, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with him treating the American media with the contempt it deserves.

Source: Bookworm Beat 12/6/16 — the “there’s nothing usual about politics” edition


NY Times Is Rather Vexed By Trump’s Tweet On Flag Burning | John Hawkins’ Right Wing News

This is what you call an “opinion.” Since it’s coming from the soon to be POTUS, it obviously holds a bit more weight, by (sic), it’s an opinion. I personally disagree with it, holding the opinion that you should be allowed to burn the flag, and, if so, someone should be allowed to punch you in the face once without facing assault charges.

Source: NY Times Is Rather Vexed By Trump’s Tweet On Flag Burning | John Hawkins’ Right Wing News