“Walsh goes on to point out that the people that are raising hell about a gorilla are the very same people that don’t give a damn about the insane amount of innocent lives that are snuffed via ABORTION!”
Category: Evil
Chris Martineau – Dear Japan, Our president is a radical left…
“Dear Japan,
Our president is a radical left Alinskyite socialist and he does NOT speak for the majority of the American people. We the People are NOT sorry for winning a war you started.”
Source: Chris Martineau – Dear Japan, Our president is a radical left…
The proper way to treat Islam
Articles: Love Sins: The Reality of Love Versus Modern Romanticism
“Vice does not lose its character by becoming fashionable.”
“While “unconditional love” sounds a lot like grace, it is really entitlement. It obliges people to accept others no matter what they do.”
Source: Articles: Love Sins: The Reality of Love Versus Modern Romanticism
Divine Deception Article Redesign-13-FINAL-NOPIX.indd – Divine Deceptio_ALNOPIX-X1A.pdf
An eight-page pdf file.
Source: Divine Deception Article Redesign-13-FINAL-NOPIX.indd – Divine Deceptio_ALNOPIX-X1A.pdf
PERFECT: The “Top 10 Reasons I Vote Democrat” List Is Going Mega VIRAL
Here is the now-classic top 10 reasons to vote Democratic:
Source: PERFECT: The “Top 10 Reasons I Vote Democrat” List Is Going Mega VIRAL
Disturbing List Of Sexual Crimes Already Committed In Target Stores | Mad World News
“It’s rather disgusting that some people will so rabidly support the idea of allowing all grown men free access to women’s facilities — because God forbid an actual transwoman’s feelings might get hurt — but they refuse to acknowledge the sexual crimes which have already been committed by grown men in Target stores.”
Source: Disturbing List Of Sexual Crimes Already Committed In Target Stores | Mad World News
Articles: Russia, Solzhenitsyn, and the Reset Button
“Such was the emphasis on individual rights that “destructive and irresponsible freedom has been granted boundless space.” The result was that evil had boundless freedom to expand in every part of society, expressing itself as individual “rights,” be those rights exhibiting themselves in pornography, violence, and even anarchy.”
Source: Articles: Russia, Solzhenitsyn, and the Reset Button
The Craziest Writings Of Social Justice Warrior Academics
“The madness behind the method: the craziest academic works, straight from the minds of left-wing PhD candidates and faculty members.”
So glad I’m not in college anymore. I’d have to kick some alleged faculty @ss.
Source: The Craziest Writings Of Social Justice Warrior Academics
Your Government: Now Paying Shrinks $3,000 For Every Veterans Gun They Confiscate | MrConservative.com
When doctors see a patient – even one who has been totally stable for years — the doctor says “I see on this progress note that you own fire arms.” If the patient says “yes,” Dr. X is required to ask the veteran to surrender his firearms. Veterans invariably refuse. When they do, the psychiatrist then summons the VA police to the room, saying “You’re going to surrender your firearms, or we’re going to involuntarily hospitalize you.”