Hey, Democrats, The System Doesn’t Need To Be ’Fixed’ Every Time You Lose An Election

The arrogance of the age — maybe every age — is that intellectuals believe, by default, that they’re smarter, more moral, and more evolved than those who came before them. We often hear the Left gripe about the antiquated nature of the Constitution. It was Klein, after all, who once claimed that the Constitution was confusing document because it is old.

The Founding Fathers… geniuses they were!

Source: Hey, Democrats, The System Doesn’t Need To Be ’Fixed’ Every Time You Lose An Election

Church sign reads ‘LGBT is hate crime vs. God, repent,’ draws protest

After many labeling the sign as “anti-LGBT” expressed outrage, the church did not buckle or apologize to observes who were offended by the sign, arguing that it is called by God to warn sinners and lead them to repentance.

Truth hurts. Good for the church for not buckling.

Source: Church sign reads ‘LGBT is hate crime vs. God, repent,’ draws protest

Mark Knopfler – Cleaning My Gun (Promo Video) OFFICIAL

I keep a weather eye on the horizon, back to the wall
I like to know who’s coming through the door, that’s all
It’s the old Army training, kickin’ in
I’m not complaining, It’s the world we live in

Blarney and Malarkey, they’re a devious firm
They’ll take you to the cleaners, or let you burn
The help is breaking dishes in the kitchen — thanks a lot
We hired the worst dishwasher This place ever got

Comin’ in below the radar, they want to spoil our fun…
In the meantime, I’m cleaning my gun

Remember it got so cold ice froze up the tank
We lit a fire beneath her just so she would crank
Keep a weather eye on the horizon, tap the storm glass now and then
We got a case of Old Damnation For when you get here my friend

We can have ourselves a party before they come…
In the meantime, I’m cleaning my gun

We had women and a mirror ball, we had a DJ
We used to eat pretty much all came this way
Ever since the goons came in took apart the place
I keep a tire iron in the corner just in case

Gave you a magic bullet on a little chain
Keep you safe from the chilly winds and the howl of the rain
We’re gonna might need bullets, should we get stuck
Any which way, we’re gonna need a little luck

You can still get gas in heaven and drink in kingdom come…
In the meantime, I’m cleaning my gun

US citizens own 40% of all guns in the world – more than next 25 top-ranked countries combined

American citizens now own 40 per cent of all guns in the world – more than the next 25 top-ranked gun ownership countries combined – with the number only set to grow, according to new research.

Mr Karp identified lenient gun ownership laws as the culprit.

“Culprit,” as if this is a bad thing. No bias here. No sirree…

Source: US citizens own 40% of all guns in the world – more than next 25 top-ranked countries combined

They’re Here, They’re Queer, and Now They’re Coming for Christians — and for Our Jobs

This week it was a CrossFit executive who was fired. Next week it could be you.

Make no mistake: this is about power. There are powerful lawmakers and cultural influencers who want to shut Christians up—to make it illegal for us to speak openly about the biblical view of marriage and sexuality.  They truly believe that Christianity is not only hateful, but harmful. Something that should be classified as hate speech so that the full force of the American legal system can be used to snuff out public Christianity.

Source: They’re Here, They’re Queer, and Now They’re Coming for Christians — and for Our Jobs

Democrat Proposes Forcing Gun Owners to Give Up ‘Assault Weapons’

“Go after resisters…”

This is Eric Salwell (D-CA), the face of tyranny. He is in violation of his oath of office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. This man, and all other Democrats, want to start the Second Civil War. That is what will happen if they try this.

Source: Democrat Proposes Forcing Gun Owners to Give Up ‘Assault Weapons’

Decline of the Republic Day

The second, even more important, function served by senators, was as representatives of their state or commonwealth government to the federal government in Washington. Whereas a representative from Dubuque or Des Moines would be voting the whims of their respective constituencies, the senator from Iowa was expected to represent the sovereign interests of the Hawkeye State. This has very specific effects on the separation of powers in the U.S. Constitution.

I’ve been saying for years that the 17th Amendment is an abomination. It means we effectively have two Houses of Representatives. The State governments have no representation when Senators are elected by the people at large. Do you think that any sovereign State would vote unfunded mandates on itself?

Source: Decline of the Republic Day

Who Runs March for Our Lives?

Florida is notably absent from the roll call. Instead the organization, one of a number of seeming incarnations of the March for Our Lives brand, draws on established activist talent from the usual places, Chicago, Los Angeles and Washington D.C. There’s nothing particularly local about it.

March for Our Lives is funded by Hollywood celebs, it’s led by a Hollywood producer and its finances are routed through an obscure tax firm in the Valley. Its treasurer and secretary are Washington D.C. pros. And a top funder of gun control agendas is also one of its directors.

None of this has much to do with Parkland.

Read the whole thing: Who Runs March For Our Lives?

They Don’t Hate The NRA. They Hate You.

The third step is to create deterrent facts on the ground. Demonstrate your commitment to your rights by joining the NRA and, further, by buying guns and ammunition. Tyranny is not out of the question – hey, aren’t they always calling Trump Hitler? Tens, even hundreds of millions of armed American Normals provide a deterrent to the kind of insanity we’ve seen the left hinting at. Be prepared to protect the Constitution, and the chances of them getting violent will diminish exponentially. Remember, they don’t want to fight; they prefer we give up under a barrage of hectoring from CNN and vicious tweets about how we hate children.

Source: They Don’t Hate The NRA. They Hate You.