Articles: Washington’s Endgame: First Your Guns, Then Your Cash?

The Progressive endgame proposed by Mr. Rogoff follows the Communist plan: take away the guns. Gain control of health care. Indoctrinate the next generation through control of education curricula. Demonize Judeo-Christian beliefs. And then take away currency from the people, thus allowing government control of the flow of funds.

Source: Articles: Washington’s Endgame: First Your Guns, Then Your Cash?

ISIS ‘celebrate Eid’ by hanging ‘US spies’ from meat hooks and butchering them

WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: In one gruesome scene, men accused of being US spies are filmed having their throats cut in a slaughter house in Deir ez-Zor, north-eastern Syria.

Obama and Clinton are okay with this. They are importing more these murderous sub-humans to our country every day. Trump is right: we should ban ALL immigration from Islamic areas. I say areas because saying ‘countries’ doesn’t cover it.

Source: ISIS ‘celebrate Eid’ by hanging ‘US spies’ from meat hooks and butchering them

Articles: NFL Idiots Dissing Our National Anthem Is Another Reason Why Trump Will Win!

I am an American who happens to be black. It is absurd and outrageous that wealthy black pro athletes and celebs are running around claiming that America is a hellhole of racism against them. Meanwhile, I caught an ad on TV for yet another major movie release featuring black actor Samuel L. Jackson. It is becoming increasingly challenging to name a blockbuster movie that has not featured Mr. Jackson. And yet, Mr. Jackson is extremely outspoken, spreading the narrative that Americans are racists. Blacks are only 12% of the U.S. population. Therefore, white Americans have made Mr. Jackson and America-hating black pro athletes extremely wealthy.

Source: Articles: NFL Idiots Dissing Our National Anthem Is Another Reason Why Trump Will Win!

Articles: Hillary’s ‘Deplorable’ Ain’t the Half of It

Has the white middle class reacted to injustice by descent into riot and mayhem? No, they just quietly go to the nearest Trump rally and hope that he really will Make America Great Again.

Has the white middle class rallied to a racist White Lives Matter movement? No, and no billionaires have been offering money like the way George Soros has ponied up cash for the racist Black Lives Matter.

Source: Articles: Hillary’s ‘Deplorable’ Ain’t the Half of It

Anarchy in the U.S.A. – Taki’s Magazine

And yet, the United States has been plagued before by immigrant terrorism, and completely solved the problem.

How? Largely by selective deportations of radical immigrants and cutting back on future immigration.

Immigrant terrorists committed many of the most heinous crimes during the anarchism plague of the first third of the 20th century. Anarchists are largely forgotten today, but they were a spectacular annoyance a century ago.

Source: Anarchy in the U.S.A. – Taki’s Magazine

Articles: Alien Retreat: The Rise of the Deplorables

This is what was most disturbing: We ‘ve witnessed a test to see if U.S. civil servants are willing to suppress their consciences and falsify their beliefs in order to continue to “fit in” at work. After all, IRS, EPA, Homeland Security, and U.S. Park Service employees can, like Adolf Eichmann, reassure themselves, saying, “I’m only doing my job.”

Source: Articles: Alien Retreat: The Rise of the Deplorables

Muslim Imam Refuses To Swear On Constitution, Judge Refuses Something Of His

When leftists defend Islam, they are defending wife beating, child marriage, slavery, and the execution of homosexuals, adulterers, blasphemers, and apostates — just like Allah commanded and the Islamic prophet Muhammad modeled. In essence, they are advocating for everything they claim to stand against.

This needs to be done in every country. Especially the USA.

Source: Muslim Imam Refuses To Swear On Constitution, Judge Refuses Something Of His
