The False Teachings of the National Council of Churches

3. “Tax and budget policies that reduce disparities between rich and poor, strengthen democracy, and provide greater opportunity for everyone within the common good.”  Is this what Jesus taught?  Did He complain that the people under Roman rule needed a fairer tax code?

These are not churches so much as leftist political agitators.

Source: The False Teachings of the National Council of Churches

This is the next tactic to disarm us – Personal Liberty®

There are millions of gun owners in America who consider themselves Christian. Now we have atheists in places of influence and power declaring ad hoc that Christianity is a mental disorder that can and should be cured. The day is soon coming where a person’s Christianity will get him labeled as mentally defective and therefore ineligible to possess weapons.

Democrats and all other flavors of leftists are, by definition, mentally ill and should be banned from gun ownership and holding any elective office. Round them up and dump them in San Francisco. Then quarantine San Francisco.

Source: This is the next tactic to disarm us – Personal Liberty®

The Top 10 Reasons You Should Own An AR-15 Rifle

By process of elimination, that leaves being prepared to defeat tyranny as the most relevant of the militia’s purposes today, as James Madison and Alexander Hamilton envisioned in The Federalist Nos. 46, 28, and 29. That is to say, not to merely “resist” tyranny, as the late Justice Antonin Scalia, mischaracterizing Justice Joseph Story’s “Commentaries on the Constitution,” pretended in District of Columbia v. Heller (2008, pp. 24-25), and certainly not to do so unsuccessfully (Heller, pp. 55-56).

Being prepared to defeat tyranny is relevant for another reason. When the left achieves absolute power in a country, it murders its political opponents.

We’ve seen this murderous intention stated most recently by Democrat Representative Eric Swalwell who said that the U.S. government would use its nuclear weapons in a hypothetical war against Second Amendment supporters refusing to give up their firearms.

Source: The Top 10 Reasons You Should Own An AR-15 Rifle

The Coadjuvancy of Church and State

The modern notion that the separation of these powers implies opposition or incompatibility is a gross misrepresentation of the founders beliefs and intentions, imposed on the nation by a cabal of hyper-partisan Democrat secularists led by Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black (a virulent anti-Catholic and one-time member of the Ku Klux Klan), along with his co-conspirator Lyndon Baines Johnson, author of the “Johnson Amendment” that purported to ban church involvement in politics.

Black wrote the majority opinion in the 1947 US Supreme Court case Everson v Board of Education which redefined the separation of church and state as a barrier to church/state cooperation – reversing over 150 years of legal precedent in which it had been recognized as a facilitator of church influence in government. It was this early and egregious example of judicial activism in Everson that shifted America from following the Judeo-Christian presuppositions of the founders to the Secular Humanist presuppositions of Cultural Marxism: preventing government from recognizing the authority of God in our law and history.

Read the whole article.

Source: The Coadjuvancy of Church and State

Related: Church of the Holy Trinity vs. United States, 143 U.S. 457 (1892)

5 Things Women Do That Secretly Annoy Men – Brass Pills

4) We’re expected to talk way too much.

There’s this stereotype that says women love to talk and men don’t. There’s probably a little truth to that, but the real problem men have in that area comes from the topics women typically want to talk about. As a general rule, most men aren’t very interested in talking about their feelings. Also, who was wearing what? Where they went to lunch? Who said what to whom? Not only are men not interested in discussing these things, they’re afraid if they do, it might prompt the woman to spend 15 minutes telling him the minute details of her day which is only slightly less painful than being punched in the face.

Also, because many women tend to over-analyze, they assign all sorts of deep meaning to trivial gestures and then demand explanations. Sometimes a rose is just a rose and five minutes of silence is just a man thinking about what he has to do at work tomorrow. You want to get a man to talk? It’s not hard. Ask him to explain what’s going on in a UFC fight or what his favorite sexual fantasy is and you’ll have trouble getting him to shut up.

Source: 5 Things Women Do That Secretly Annoy Men – Brass Pills

The Left’s Religious War Against America

Numbers from one poll showed that, “religiously unaffiliated Democrats were more than twice as likely to have attended a rally within the past 12 months compared with their religious peers” and were “significantly more likely to have contacted an elected official or to have donated to a candidate or cause” or “bought or boycotted a product for political reasons or posted political opinions online”.

They’re also far more likely to be angry over Trump than Democrats who do have religious beliefs. Studies may label them secular, but they are animated by all the convictions of a political religion.

Political participation gives their lives meaning. It offers them the opportunity to save the world. Republicans are not just political opponents, but religious foes who threaten the planet’s survival.

And what do their political beliefs tell them about the traditional great questions answered by religion?

86% believe that people’s outcomes are beyond their control. 75% believe that outcomes are caused by luck and circumstance. 94% are convinced that government should take more responsibility for people.

They believe that life is arbitrary and meaningless, except for the order imposed by government.

Government is their god and politics is their religion. Political power is their creed and their cult.

If you don’t believe in God you’ll believe in anything.

Source: The Left’s Religious War Against America

Those Who Unmake Civilization

Once you take over, once you deny common people their rights, the product of their efforts, the ability to earn and save for a better future, it doesn’t matter what words you use to justify it.

“In the name of the people” becomes functionally indistinguishable from “by divine right.” It becomes unchecked power. It becomes the ability to rule and do what you think is best, without restraint.

It becomes Auschwitz or Siberia. It becomes mass graves and immiseration. It becomes Venezuela and Zimbabwe, and people eating house pets, and starving children.

The only way to stop these things, crimes as old as time, the result of people being given unlimited power, is to give to the common people — the folks who aren’t born of “something” don’t have the right ideas or the right education or the right pedigree — the same rights as you give “the important people.” Even if you disagree with people’s way of conducting themselves. Even if you think their ideas are zany, you have to give them basic civil liberties: the right to property, the right to life, the right to due judicial process to include the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.

Because when you take that way, you’re reposing power in the hands of the power hungry, who will devour the world and never be satisfied. That way lies atrocities, mass graves. More importantly, that way lies the loss of “bourgeois virtues” by the common people because what’s the point of working hard, saving, and being wise, if in the end your stuff will just be taken away and given to other people?

We’re already well down the road to that insanity. Things like progressive taxation and confusing victimhood and virtue are already an ethical blot on the face of our society, and rats gnawing at the foundations of what made the West great.

This is the goal of Democrats and RINOs. Both are enemies of freedom and the Constitution.

Source: Those Who Unmake Civilization