You’ll never guess this priest’s clever idea for conservative Christians asked to serve gay weddings *UPDATED*

If you’re wondering why we’re suddenly hearing so many stories about conservative Christians (not Muslims, mind you, just Christians) being dragged before the thought-police for failing…

When some homosexual couple comes to your Christian business for services at their immoral event, don’t panic. Go ahead and take their business!

Then explain what is going to happen next.

Source: You’ll never guess this priest’s clever idea for conservative Christians asked to serve gay weddings *UPDATED*

How To Escape The Age Of Mass Delusion

“It is simply a question of organizing and manipulating collective feelings in the proper way. If one can isolate the mass, allow no free thinking, no free exchange, no outside correction and can hypnotize the group daily with noises, with press and radio and television, with fear and pseudo-enthusiasms, any delusion can be instilled.”

Source: How To Escape The Age Of Mass Delusion

Missed In History: The Night Witches | Stuff You Missed in History Class

A female pilot like this is a main character in Harry Turtledove’s ‘Worldwar’ series (In the Balance, Tilting the Balance, etc). I thought it was far-fetched, but apparantly not.

“If you haven’t heard of them: The Night Witches were an all-women’s bombing regiment in the Soviet military in World War II. They flew wood-and-canvas biplanes that were never meant to be used in combat. By the end of the war, they’d flown roughly 24,000 combat missions, all of them at night, earning 23 of them the title Hero of the Soviet Union.”

Source: Missed In History: The Night Witches | Stuff You Missed in History Class