Articles: The Rage of Islam

Apart from prayer rugs, Islam has produced nothing but state-of-the-art terrorism techniques over the centuries. Their cultural accomplishments are kept to a minimum with half the people’s brain power confined under hijabs and burqas, and the other half driven to riot, kill, or commit suicide, as the outworking of the aberrant behavior that is inculcated from cradle to grave. Creativity flourishes in a free society; slave states produce tears.

Source: Articles: The Rage of Islam

Baby becomes world’s first to have gender marked ‘unknown’

The baby’s parent, Kori Doty, does not identify as male or female and prefers to use the pronoun ‘they’, and wants to raise Searyl’s genderless until the baby has a “sense of self and command of vocabulary to tell me who they are.”

Doty wants to keep Searyl’s gender off of all official records until that day, according to CBC.

The face of mental illness…

This is also child abuse.

Source: Baby becomes world’s first to have gender marked ‘unknown’

Devil’s Dictionary | The Z Blog

Inclusive: This means normal people need not apply. Something that is inclusive is something that excludes the things normal people consider to be normal. A club that is inclusive, for example, will be full of homosexual males, blue haired lesbians and people with fashionable mental disorders. Inclusive is code for fringe weirdos only.

Source: Devil’s Dictionary | The Z Blog


The term “gender equality” was dreamed up by leftarded poofters who use the word “relationship” every couple of words. There is no such thing as gender equality. There are things men do better. There are others that women do better. Like making me a pie!

So if you cats do housework, not only will you be deficient in booticious activities, you will also get your ass divorced! Why? Because straight womerns don’t want to be married to another womern…of either sex.

Source: DUDES, WANT MORE SEX? DON’T BE A WOMAN! – Angry White Dude

JUST IN: State Voting To ABOLISH The Electoral College- Just One HUGE Problem

Americans have forgotten that our republic is a collection of independent sovereign States who created D.C. to represent their interests. The national popular vote movement takes Americans even further away from our original Constitutional structure and gives us even LESS of a voice, removing the independence f the states. It virtually removes the voice of the people within those states. This is essentially mob rule.

Source: JUST IN: State Voting To ABOLISH The Electoral College- Just One HUGE Problem