Request President Trump award Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn the Medal Of Freedom on his 100th Birthday, 12/11/2018.

More than any other human being, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn exposed the Big Lie that is the ideology of Totalitarianism and fought a never-ending fight to bring freedom and ordered liberty to the world. Through his courageous acts and words, millions of souls were set free from tyranny. Mr. Solzhenitsyn proved that ‘the pen is mightier that the sword’.

On this, the 100th Anniversary of his birth, it seems fitting that he should be given an award, the Medal Of Freedom, that exemplifies the freedoms we Americans hold dear and that we should honor such a noble, decent, and honest man.

I signed it. Sadly, he died in 2008 so this will be a posthumous award. Just click the image above.

College Students Not Mailing Absentee Ballots Because They Don’t Know Where to Buy Stamps

“One thing that came up, which I had heard from my own kids but I thought they were just nerdy, was that the students will go through the process of applying for a mail-in absentee ballot, they will fill out the ballot, and then, they don’t know where to get stamps,” Lisa Connors with the Fairfax County Office of Public Affairs said.

We really don’t need people this stupid voting. Raise the voting age. To 30. Hopefully they will be adult enough to have moved out of their parents’ basements.

Source: College Students Not Mailing Absentee Ballots Because They Don’t Know Where to Buy Stamps

Duped by diversity: Colleges corrupt their curriculum to satisfy modern progressive sensibilities – NY Daily News

As for actual learning, our intellectual patrimony will be further eroded. Culturally illiterate students who could not name a single artist or philosopher from Periclean Athens, the Renaissance, or the Enlightenment will announce that Western civilization is racist and patriarchal. Being forced to study the West’s monumental accomplishments of imagination and reason, whether by Plato, Aeschylus, Mozart or Hume, jeopardizes their very survival, they will whine.

I’ve read Plato, Aeschylus, and Hume and my survival was never threatened. Well maybe I was in danger of laughing myself to death after reading the idiocy that is Hume.


Source: Duped by diversity: Colleges corrupt their curriculum to satisfy modern progressive sensibilities – NY Daily News

Quote of the Day

Jared Taylor pointed out that whites must be gods, because we just have to think about non-whites and it causes non-whites to harm their own interests. When you think about it, that’s the argument behind the claims of “whiteness” being the cause of all social strife in America. Whites just need to show up and their whiteness radiates off them, causing non-whites to go bonkers and ruin themselves. Whitey shows up and blacks start committing crimes and destroying their neighborhoods. Mighty whitey indeed…


What ails Main Street

A very interesting article analyzes some of the factors dragging down traditional retail businesses, and the cities and parts of cities that depend on them.

The assistants at many retailers are abysmally ill-informed, often slovenly in their habits (i.e. needing a shower or shave or haircut, or to change their clothes), and frequently not motivated to sell.  They appear to be there simply as warm bodies going through the motions.  I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve asked a salesperson about a feature of a product I’m interested in buying, only to find that they know nothing about it, and must consult the manual – something I could easily have done for myself.  I’ve even looked up information about it on my smartphone, while they were looking for a supervisor who proved to know as little as they did!  If I’m expected to pay a premium for the “benefit” of having trained salespeople to assist me, I want them to be trained, and have the expertise I expect.  If they aren’t and/or don’t, why should I waste my time there?

Source: What Ails Main Street

Questions nobody is asking…

One day in the 1970s, the officers of a Red Army reserve division in the backwaters of Siberia were summoned to hear a confidential presentation by a young major, who had come all the way from the General Staff in Moscow. What the major said astonished them. In Moscow’s view, the Soviet Union’s chief enemy was not the capitalist West, but the nominally-communist Chinese. War with China was inevitable. This war would be unlike that for which they had prepared in many ways: most important, the Chinese would have numerical superiority. The major showed charts of populations, troop strength, and other statistics making this point. As China grew more populous, it would grow stronger and more acquisitive. Fortunately, the major continued, there was a precedent for a numerically-inferior army defeating a larger enemy. He then presented a detailed analysis of Israeli performance in the 1948, 1956, 1967, and 1973 wars. By emulating Israeli tactics and dispositions, the Red Army could crush the Chinese. Future training would be along these lines. The major then asked if the reservists had any questions.
“Comrade Major, do we have enough Jews?”