Mrs Brown teaches at Woodford County High School in Versailles, Kentucky. The average income for a resident of Versailles is $24,652, and the median family income is $41,915. Mrs Brown earns, just from her salary at Woodford County, 2¼ times as much as the average worker in her community, and 31% more than the median family income there. How, I have to ask, is Mrs Brown forced into ‘financial juggling,’ unless she has been living well beyond her husband’s and her means?
I have been saying for decades that teachers are OVERPAID. In my community they are making over $50k/yr when the average annual family income in my community is $19k/yr. Their pay needs to be cut.
This is true of all public employees.
These days a degree in cultural anthropology, Eskimo lesbian dance theory or
sociology is all it takes to get teaching credentials. More than a decade ago,
I discovered that 50k was just the starting salary. Take a half-dozen seminars
and you can pull in 80-90k for an 8 month year when you count Summer
vacation, sick days, vacation days and holidays.