Book Review: Albion’s Seed | Slate Star Codex

“Albion’s Seed by David Fischer is a history professor’s nine-hundred-page treatise on patterns of early immigration to the Eastern United States. It’s not light reading and not…”

The review is full of interesting facts I assume are pulled from ‘Albion’s Seed’. One example:

“Virginian cavalier speech patterns sound a lot like modern African-American dialects. It doesn’t take much imagination to figure out why, but it’s strange to think of a 17th century British lord speaking what a modern ear would clearly recognize as Ebonics.”

Source: Book Review: Albion’s Seed | Slate Star Codex

Mike Adams – Faculty Restrooms: The New Civil Rights Frontier

“Generally speaking, objective designations have no place in the postmodern university. They are intolerant and therefore should not be tolerated. We should take a stand by refusing to stand for them. And we should promote our diversity with a single unifying voice. Unanimity in defense of diversity should be our highest priority.”

Source: Mike Adams – Faculty Restrooms: The New Civil Rights Frontier

‘Make America Mexico Again’: Why Americans are fed up with illegals

There was a time in this nation’s history when having 13 million people breach your border would have been considered an invasion. We used to fight wars over such a hostile act.

But these days instead of repelling the invaders, the Obama administration gave them food stamps, free health care, and a voter registration card.

We’ve been invaded and our government has provided aid and comfort to the enemy.

Source: ‘Make America Mexico Again’: Why Americans are fed up with illegals

Voting in the Ghetto | The Z Blog

“The other aspect of this is they love seeing honkies voting. I walked into the polling place and the nice black ladies lit up like I was a long lost relative. At some level, they sense that the presence of the honky is a good sign. We’re the canary in the coal mine. When the honky leaves, your neighborhood is forever lost. Seeing me in the neighborhood and taking the time to vote means there’s still some hope for the place.”

Source: Voting in the Ghetto | The Z Blog