Came across a term I’m going to use. I encourage all to use it also. I whipped up a pic to use. I’ll make some more later.
When the fanatics take control….
We are told again and again by “experts” and “talking heads” that Islam is the religion of peace and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live in peace. Although this unqualified assertion is surely true, it is entirely irrelevant.
Source: When the fanatics take control….
Trying to persuade liberal Jews that guns can save their children’s lives
“…the fact that the biggest killer of individuals, always — in any time, at any place, under any circumstances — is government.”
Source: Trying to persuade liberal Jews that guns can save their children’s lives
Pamela Geller adds another chapter to my ongoing “Party of Poop” series of posts
Almost since the day I started blogging, I have commented on the Leftist obsession with excrement. My first post on the subject was in 2004 or 2005, when I was still a blogging neophyte: Is it jus…
Source: Pamela Geller adds another chapter to my ongoing “Party of Poop” series of posts
Bookworm’s 5-Point Gun Manifesto; or why I believe in gun rights
“Enough of the silly numbers! Let’s talk now about the real killers of the 20th and 21st centuries: Governments killing their own people or engaging in genocidal attacks against specifically selected religious, cultural, or racial groups – all of them unarmed and defenseless.”
Source: Bookworm’s 5-Point Gun Manifesto; or why I believe in gun rights
What I’d like to write to my child’s teacher about his gun control advocacy in class
“The first reason is that, unlike freedom of speech, which is a generalized right, the right to bear arms is specifically and absolutely articulated: it “shall not be infringed.” Although we’ve long recognized that government can, in fact, infringe on this right, the standard to do so is incredibly high.
“The second reason the gun control argument cannot reach the high constitutional standard for imposing strict limitations on gun rights is because it forgets that guns don’t just take lives, they also save lives. Until one produces an accurate risk-benefit analysis, showing that more people die because of guns than are saved by them, one cannot meet the constitutional standard for infringing on the right to bear arms.”
Source: What I’d like to write to my child’s teacher about his gun control advocacy in class
Featured Hottie 😍 Claire Abbott (25 pics) | Sneakhype
Claire Abbott is a Canadian YouTube musician with extraordinary boobs talent.
Source: Featured Hottie 😍 Claire Abbott (25 pics) | Sneakhype