Neo-Paganism is sweeping the First World — and that’s a bad thing *UPDATED*

Over the past few days, in connection with posts about Islam’s innately violent nature (which I see as being different from the fact that Europeans used violence in Christianity’s name)…

“4. Pagans use sexual excess, including pedophilia, homosexuality, and ritual prostitution, as a key concept in their worship. These ritual sexual behaviors are often tied to fertility rites, sacrifice, and ritual frenzies.”

Source: Neo-Paganism is sweeping the First World — and that’s a bad thing *UPDATED*

Alternative für Deutschland | The Z Blog

“The responsibility of the people put in charge, their chief responsibility, is to maintain public order. You cannot have a civilized and prosperous society with civil unrest. Deliberately inviting in these problems, as we see with Merkel in German and the open borders lobbies in America, is a betrayal of the public trust. In another age, the elites would not have to fear these populist parties as the people would have hung the elites before it got to this point.”

Source: Alternative für Deutschland | The Z Blog

What I’d like to write to my child’s teacher about his gun control advocacy in class

“The first reason is that, unlike freedom of speech, which is a generalized right, the right to bear arms is specifically and absolutely articulated: it “shall not be infringed.” Although we’ve long recognized that government can, in fact, infringe on this right, the standard to do so is incredibly high.

“The second reason the gun control argument cannot reach the high constitutional standard for imposing strict limitations on gun rights is because it forgets that guns don’t just take lives, they also save lives. Until one produces an accurate risk-benefit analysis, showing that more people die because of guns than are saved by them, one cannot meet the constitutional standard for infringing on the right to bear arms.”

Source: What I’d like to write to my child’s teacher about his gun control advocacy in class