Targeting farmers and planning famines

Targeting farmers and planning famines.
Of course the United Nations is behind it.
Agriculture Canada goes on to accuse cereal farmers of having “one of the highest levels of emissions intensity” among exporting countries. The claim refers to data gathered by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) that puts Canada at the top of the list.

Principles are for losers

Principles are only worth sticking to if your opponent is also principled. Republicans keep forgetting the old truism that the aggressor makes the rules. Democrats are the aggressors and they are utterly UNPRINCIPLED.
So Republicans should be fighting like Sherman Marching to the Sea. Not losing with honor and their principles intact. That just makes you losers and nobody will remember your principles.
When the Left burned cities, 99% got a slap on the wrist and rarely jail time. Cons go wandering around the capital and they get a vast panoply of human rights violations against them. Obama was the most corrupt administration in recent history except Biden. But they don’t get investigated. Cons get dragged out of their house in the middle of the night by SWAT teams and shown off to the media over obscure regulations. Trump was investigated repeatedly and illegally for things that were never even CONSIDERED worthy of investigation in previous administrations.…
Nobody has been afraid of the Republicans in my LIFETIME. Lois Lerner can laugh at a congressional committee the Republicans are running and gets away with it. Strosz can smirk and preen. Bureaucrats and businessmen flat out lie to Republican leadership and nothing happens.
But they don’t do that to Democrats. Why?
Because if you do, the Left will kill you. They will f’ing DESTROY YOU.…
So why doesn’t the Right (metaphorically) kill people who disrespect their leadership? Why do the bureaucrats and businesses think they can screw over the Right but not the Left?*
The PRINCIPLES! PRINCIPLES! PRINCIPLES! crowd has been a Conservative Surrender Chorus for as long as I can remember.
A guest post by John Ringo. Read the whole thing.


Analysis: True. It is extremist. And criminal. Constant censorship and the false “fact-checking” make it so.

In the real world we don’t call what Facebook does “fact-checking.”

We call it “lying.”


Authorities blocked access to Facebook last week under a new media law, but the “extremist” designation, if approved by a court, would effectively criminalize all of Meta’s operations in Russia.

Troll Bridge

If you’re familiar with Terry Pratchett’s Discworld books you’ll love this. This is a fan made animation of a short story he wrote in 1992.

If you aren’t familiar, this is a good intro.


The Forgotten Medieval Habit of ‘Two Sleeps’


Nearly 300 years later, in the early 1990s, the historian Roger Ekirch walked through the arched entranceway to the Public Record Office in London – an imposing gothic building that housed the UK’s National Archives from 1838 until 2003. There, among the endless rows of ancient vellum papers and manuscripts, he found Jane’s testimony. And something about it struck him as odd.

Originally, Ekirch had been researching a book about the history of night-time, and at the time he had been looking through records that spanned the era between the early Middle Ages and the Industrial Revolution. He was dreading writing the chapter on sleep, thinking that it was not only a universal necessity – but a biological constant. He was sceptical that he’d find anything new.

So far, he had found court depositions particularly illuminating. “They’re a wonderful source for social historians,” says Ekirch, a professor at Virginia Tech, US. “They comment upon activity that’s oftentimes unrelated to the crime itself.”

But as he read through Jane’s criminal deposition, two words seemed to carry an echo of a particularly tantalising detail of life in the 17th Century, which he had never encountered before – “first sleep”.

Perhaps insomnia is normal?

Source: The forgotten medieval habit of ‘two sleeps’