Et tu WordPress?

I can see that I will not be renewing my blog with WordPress. I do not support such deplatforming bullies. Notice that WordPress doesn’t actually mention what ‘terms of service’ justified the silencing of a perfectly decent blog. This is a violation of the 1st Amendment. But Islam and moslems don’t respect the Constitution. Neither does WordPress.

WordPress, thy name is ‘Dhimmitude.’



dhim·​mi | \ ˈdimē\
variants: or less commonly zimmi
plural dhimmis or dhimmi also zimmis or zimmi

Definition of dhimmi

: a person living in a region overrun by Muslim conquest who was accorded a protected status and allowed to retain his or her original faith
Allowed to ‘retain’ but not allowed to practice his original faith. Or, as WordPress demonstrates, not allowed to engage in his original freedoms.
  • dhimmitude(Noun)

    appeasement towards Islamic demands

The WordPress ‘terms of service’ appear to include protecting the murderous followers of the pedophile prophet from criticism. WordPress demonstrates exactly the ‘creeping sharia’ documented by the blog they silenced. Well done, WordPress.


Islamophilia: A Neurotic Reaction Against Truth

All other world religions make some significant peace claims, but Islam fails to do so. Failure to acknowledge this historical reality means that the Islamophile’s defensive response in support of Islam is not only disproportionate, but is deviant and disordered. Its main goal is to harass the Christians and to disabuse the West of the idea that its Christian and Jewish foundation is valid. Experiencing Christianity as a form of cultural abuse, they wish, in turn, to abuse Christians. Islam is intended as the instrument of that abuse by the non-Islamic Islamophiles.

Islam is NOT a religion. It is a totalitarian political system:

Religions don’t do that.

Source: Islamophilia: A Neurotic Reaction Against Truth

PC is Jizya


Once upon a time we referred to the doctrines that originated with Mohammed by calling them Mohammedanism, just as we do with Confucianism and Manicheism. Now we call them Islam, “submission.” It is rather as if Muslims started calling Christianity by the English word “charity.”

If this were not about power, then all we should have to do is explain that we sometimes use the names of founders of sects in the terms thereof, and our interlocutors should then say, “Oh, I see; OK, no problem then.” But if they are not willing to do this, then their insistence that we change our parochial behavior to suit them, despite the fact that their objection to our customary practice makes no sense, is, precisely, an exercise of power. It is the linguistic equivalent of their insistence that we not walk our dogs in parks where they are enjoying themselves, or exercise our right of free speech by evangelizing on the street in the vicinity of their public gatherings, or install footbaths in all public restrooms. If this goes on, then at some point, logically, they will be insisting that our women wear the burka, so as not to offend their sensibilities. I mention this absurd result only to demonstrate the absurdity of the premise from which it sprang.…

The question then becomes: ought we to understand our language as the Muslims wrongly understand it, just to coddle their feelings? If we do, we are effectually submitting to them, and the submission is a type of jizya.

The very same thing is proceeding, along a different vector, with the feminization of English. E.g., eliminating “waiter” and “chairman” in favor of “waitperson” and “chair,” bowdlerizing Scripture, rewriting poems and hymns, changing quotations of eminent thinkers, on and on.…

I have duly renamed my Islamic links to Mohammedanism links and will use the spellings ‘Moslem’ and ‘Koran’ from now on.

Source: PC is Jizya

Western IQ scores are falling. Is it computers or something else? – Bookworm Room

And then there are the Muslims who are immigrating in ever greater numbers throughout the Western world. Another unspeakable fact in the modern era is that Muslims have low IQs. This is where I take a dive, not into race, because Islam is a religion, not a race, but into the lifestyle habits that many Muslims practice. These habits do affect intelligence. Change the habits, change the intelligence. …

Finally, and here’s where we get to a big problem no one wants to speak about, is that Muslim culture all over the world encourages first-cousin marriages. On average 50% of Muslims engage in first-cousin marriage with that number going up to 70% in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. (It’s a tribal thing because the people you can trust most are family.) It’s long been known that this kind of second-degree incest dramatically increases genetic defects, many of which affect intelligence.

Just the fact that you follow this faux ‘religion’ shows you’re an idiot.

Source: Western IQ scores are falling. Is it computers or something else? – Bookworm Room

Director of CAIR Missouri wants to prosecute Americans who insult Islam…using sharia law

“Report anti Islamic and anti Muslim content on the internet to appropriate authorities to take action to remove it and go after those who post it online and prosecute and take actions according to the Shariah ruling.”

Go for it you goat-f*cking, pedophile-worshipping, murderous @sshole.

Source: Director of CAIR Missouri wants to prosecute Americans who insult Islam…using sharia law

10 Questions about the Compatibility of Islam with America

10. Are Islam and sharia law compatible with American culture?  The generally accepted values of modern America stress a wide range of freedoms involving speech, sexuality, and lifestyles as well as equal rights for women, minorities, and a long list of others.  None of this fits with the program of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) that affirmed sharia law as supreme, with the death penalty for those leaving Islam, punishing women who are victims of rape, allowing men to be polygamous, permitting wife-beating, and censoring speech that insults Islam.

Short answer: No. Longer answer: Islam is an enemy of civilization and our Constitution. Ban Islam. Deport ALL Moslems. Free the occupied territories.

Source: 10 Questions about the Compatibility of Islam with America

HUNGARIAN FOREIGN MINISTER shocks CNN journalist by saying “We reject multiculturalism”

She then argued that the Hungarian government is wrong, and that Hungary has no “immigration problem”. She pointed out that of Hungary’s 10 million inhabitants there are less than 4,000 refugees, that the country has no major crime and that no terrorist attacks have occurred.
Oddly, she fails to understand that the reason for the low level of crime and absence of terrorism is the direct the result of NO MUSLIM IMMIGRATION.

Amen. These are not ‘refugees’. These are hostile invaders. They need to be met with force.

Source: HUNGARIAN FOREIGN MINISTER shocks CNN journalist by saying “We reject multiculturalism”

Tolerance: Not really a thing in Islam

I strongly disagree with letting Muslims believe what they want to believe when they hold that I, as a non-Muslim, have no right to live.  Or if I am to live, I must live a subservient life to that of Muslims.  Wherever they are in power in the world, Muslims do everything they can to make non-believers’ lives dreadful and deadly.

I don’t tolerate the belief and practices of Islam, in the same vein as I reject fascism and all other exclusionary oppressive systems of belief.

As they say, tolerating evil is not tolerance.  It is a crime.

Source: Tolerance: Not really a thing in Islam