Yeah? – Knuckledraggin My Life AwayKnuckledraggin My Life Away

Let’s not forget the guns being so easily available. Is that right? Can anybody out there tell me how much return fire there was from the patrons of the club? Uh-huh. There were probably a few gun owners there – unarmed gun owners.Yeah, I know it’s illegal to carry a gun where alcohol is served. Guns in clubs are dangerous – last night proved that.

Source: Yeah? – Knuckledraggin My Life AwayKnuckledraggin My Life Away

The Fourth Amendment Is Supposed to Work for the People, Not the Government –

General warrants, which were usually issued in secret in London, permitted British soldiers and agents in America to search wherever they wished and seize whatever they found. General warrants were not based upon any individualized suspicion, much less any probable cause. Their stated purpose was the need to enforce the Stamp Act, a totalitarian measure that cost more to enforce than it generated in revenue.

Source: The Fourth Amendment Is Supposed to Work for the People, Not the Government –

School sends deputy to warn 7-year-old about Bible verses

“Officials at a California public grade school who dispatched a sheriff’s deputy to stop a 7-year-old from sharing Bible verses with his classmates because someone could be “offended” now are being warned of “civil rights violations.” The student regularly shared notes from his mother containing Bible verses that were tucked into his lunch at Desert […]”

Here’s a Bible verse I’d like to share:

The Democrat says in his heart,
“There is no God.”
Their deeds are loathsome and corrupt;
not one does what is good.

All have gone astray;
all alike are perverse.
Not one does what is good,
not even one.

Psalms 14: 1, 3 (NAB)

Source: School sends deputy to warn 7-year-old about Bible verses

Articles: A Monstrous Moral Leviathan

“And for those who roll their eyes at the mention of slippery slopes when it comes to this ruling, our president, his administration and members of the judicial, academic, and media elite and their vast bureaucracies are now robbing children of their God-given, biological identity.”

Source: Articles: A Monstrous Moral Leviathan

Trump the Disrupter

“** The government’s effort to turn our military into a feminized, homosexualized, transgenderized social justice experiment without regard to its purpose, which is to kill as many of America’s enemies as possible, while leaving all or most of our people intact and alive…”

That’s just one of a big long list of grievances we have against the government that led to Trump. Pretty impressive list. We started shooting Redcoats for far less!

Source: Trump the Disrupter

Articles: If Bakers Can be Forced to Service Faux Weddings, so Can Churches

…judges, “picked out from the most dexterous lawyers…and having been biassed all their lives against truth and equity,” use “words multiplied for the purpose” to convince us “that white is black, and black is white,” as satirist Jonathan Swift put it. Thus do they find protection in the First Amendment for pornography, but not for bakers who don’t want to service faux weddings.

Source: Articles: If Bakers Can be Forced to Service Faux Weddings, so Can Churches

Sultan Knish: Youmerica

“The paradox of the individualistic society is that it can only exist if individuals embrace virtues that are greater than their own needs and whims. A society where each individual acts as a little tyrant, pursuing his desires with total selfishness at the expense of everyone else becomes collectivist as the little tyrants turn to a series of big tyrants to get what they want no matter who gets hurt by it.”

Source: Sultan Knish: Youmerica