Nothing Can Placate the BLM Riot Mob, and ‘Journalists’ Are Part of the Mob

“Just so everybody is clear, I was front and center at the protest, at the riot,” Brooklyn, Minnesota, Police Chief Tim Gannon told reporters during a press conference Monday. His response came to a question from reporters about why he authorized the use of gas canisters following the issuance of a dispersal order.

In the video tweeted by the Washington Examiner Monday, one reporter exclaims, “There was no riot.” Another shouts “Don’t do that!” Multiple other reporters joined in with those objecting to the word “riot.”

I’m old enough to remember when the news was disseminated by people called news reporters. As you might expect, they reported on what actually happened. As Sgt. Friday would say, ‘just the facts.’

Nowadays instead of news reporters we have this social construct called a ‘journalist.’ A ‘journalist’ tells a story. Stories are fiction. Reality is called ‘news’ and ‘history.’ If reality goes against the storyline a ‘journalist’ will follow the storyline and lie to your face, as we see here.

This is why the media are called ‘fake news.’

Source: Nothing Can Placate the BLM Riot Mob, and ‘Journalists’ Are Part of the Mob

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Right-wing, Conservative, Constitutionalist, Christian, Heterosexual. How else can I offend you today?