Don’t Go To College

Today, academia’s product is largely garbage – gender studies, twisted history, and pointless sociology spin-offs like communications and political science. Yeah, we need more students studying politics when they don’t even know that the Constitution says they can’t shut people up because their feelz has got the hurtz.

Sure, the STEM fields produce a few grads who are going to be more than mere cogs in the corporate machine like their marketing major pals, and some STEM research is useful, but don’t think STEM is immune from academia’s endemic idiocy. Why, the latest thing is how science is racist because…well, probably because these hacks say everything is racist and the weak-willed gutless wonders of America’s faculty are too scared to stand up and say, “Uh no, that’s stupid and it’s not a thing and stop it.”

I submit that STEM is not ‘education’. It doesn’t teach you the history of your country, the philosophy behind our founding documents, etc. It doesn’t teach you good citizenship. I wonder how many STEM graduates could pass a citizenship naturalization test? STEM by itself is just job training.

Source: Don’t Go To College

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Right-wing, Conservative, Constitutionalist, Christian, Heterosexual. How else can I offend you today?