What Are the Children Learning?

One college is proud to advertise that they have done away with “unrelated curriculum.”  So nursing students are not required to study U.S. history and a student majoring in Information Technology does not need to take Philosophy 101.  This is countered by Jack Kerwick, who describes a liberal arts education as supplying students “with ‘the habit of attention;’ ‘the art of expression;’ ‘the art of assuming at a moment’s notice, a new intellectual position;’ ‘the art of entering quickly into another person’s thoughts;’ ‘the habit of submitting to censure and refutation;’ ‘the art of indicating assent or dissent in graduated terms;’ ‘the habit of regarding minute points of accuracy;’ and ‘the art of working out what is possible in a given time [.]'”

This is why I laugh when people with degrees tell me they know better than me because of their ‘degree.’ It’s worthless outside of their area of study… and sometimes not even then. Alexandria Occasional Cortex’s pronouncements on economics are comical, yet she claims to have a degree in economics. (which is why she was bartending…)

College isn’t an education anymore. It’s glorified job training.

What is job training? It’s education for slaves. No need to read, write, or think. Just spew out the leftist extremist talking points you were force fed and do your job.

Source: What Are the Children Learning?

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Right-wing, Conservative, Constitutionalist, Christian, Heterosexual. How else can I offend you today?