Study: Describing Breastfeeding as ‘Natural’ Is Unethical Because It Reinforces Gender Roles


Yet another example of the mental illness of leftists and their war on reality. What a leftist knows about ethics is naturally risible. It is natural to laugh at them as we remove them from public view and consign them to mental institutions. What do they think breasts are naturally for?

“Referencing the ‘natural’ in breastfeeding promotion… may inadvertently endorse a set of values about family life and gender roles, which would be ethically inappropriate,” the study says.

Unless such public-service announcements “make transparent the ‘values and beliefs that underlie them,’” they should quit describing breastfeeding as “natural.”

But the study’s authors, Jessica Martucci and Anne Barnhill, clearly have in mind an alternative set of “values and beliefs,” about which which they are not transparent.

Source: Study: Describing Breastfeeding as ‘Natural’ Is Unethical Because It Reinforces Gender Roles

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