Kritocracy Then Chaos

To continue the metaphor, the virus has jumped the quarantine and now the entire system is showing signs of infection. For two years the Trump administration has been plagued with federal judges who just make up rulings out of thin air. In many cases they are ruling on behalf of plaintiffs who have no standing in the court. In other cases, they are simply making up legal theories so bizarre they would get a first year law student dismissed from school on mental health grounds. The Federal bench is in revolt against the rule of law.

In this particular case, the law is clear. It’s not just US law, but international law. There is a legal process for applying for asylum. No country is required to accept anyone who does not follow the procedures. US law is crystal clear on the issue, yet this judge is making up law that is direct conflict with black letter law. This is no less deranged than if the judge stood up, stripped off his clothes and declared he is an invisible chicken and that everyone in the court must cluck in worship to him. This judge is not mentally fit.

Source: Kritocracy Then Chaos

Our Progressive Future: Folsom Street Fair – Moonbattery

San Francisco’s Folsom Street Fair shows us what the future will look like if liberals keep winning the Culture War.

For poet Maryann Leilani Wood, 42, “the playground,” a fenced-off area for women as well as transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals, was invaluable. Everyone was welcome in the zone except cis-men, or those who were assigned the male gender at birth and still identify that way.

Inclusion is very important to moonbats, but there is no need to go overboard and be inclusive even toward men who admit they are men.

Source: Our Progressive Future: Folsom Street Fair – Moonbattery

Quote of the Day

Jared Taylor pointed out that whites must be gods, because we just have to think about non-whites and it causes non-whites to harm their own interests. When you think about it, that’s the argument behind the claims of “whiteness” being the cause of all social strife in America. Whites just need to show up and their whiteness radiates off them, causing non-whites to go bonkers and ruin themselves. Whitey shows up and blacks start committing crimes and destroying their neighborhoods. Mighty whitey indeed…


The Strange Career of White Privilege | National Review

One of the strangest elements of the American obsession with superficial appearance is the habit of very well connected and affluent whites faulting poor whites for their “white privilege.” It has become a sort of rite-of-passage virtue-signaling in which rich, white college students at tony universities damn white privilege and the supposedly racist, nativist, xenophobic, and sexist Trump Neanderthals. With this, they establish their spiritually pure fides or, more practically, earn a sort of insurance policy in case the all-seeing eye of the diversity tower turns its focus on them someday.

Donald Trump rode to victory in part on the furor of voters in the Midwest and rural states who were derided for their privilege (though they did not seem to have much) by those who most certainly did enjoy privilege.

I’ve been homeless for over a year. Where’s my privilege?

Source: The Strange Career of White Privilege | National Review

Leftism and Degeneracy: A Beautiful Thing

I was rebuked for posting photos from gay pride parades in my column.  We’re told their lifestyle is beautiful, the new normal.  So why not show pictures of the beautiful things going on at gay pride parades – naked men performing mock sodomy in the streets, people in giant penis and vagina costumes, men and women dressed in BDSM nun outfits?

Leftism is Progressivism is Degeneracy is the Democrat Party. No redeeming features …

Source: Leftism and Degeneracy: A Beautiful Thing

5 Stages Of Decline After A Society Becomes Infected By Feminism

Stage 4 feminism profoundly affects the reproductive life cycle of individuals even beyond stage 3 dysfunction. Heterosexual activity is discouraged: cockblocking, “street harassment” rhetoric, dreadful lies about “rape culture“, etc. Unfounded accusations obtain great publicity; when discovered to be false, there are no consequences for the accuser.

I’m reminded of my favorite Robert Stacy McCain quote:

“The reason why feminists think all men are stupid is because no intelligent man would ever waste time talking to a feminist.”

They’re mentally ill. Stay away from all feminists.

Source: 5 Stages of Decline After A Society Becomes Infected By Feminism.



The Problem with Gay Marriage

Moreover, to contend, as same-sex couples do, that they can adopt children or rely on sperm donors merely accentuates the paradox, for they reveal themselves as dependent on precisely the sexual fertility which they forsake and the procreative function they have renounced.

Homosexual ‘marriage’ lacks diversity. If you’re too much alike, one of you is unnecessary. Homosexuals are unnecessary… period.

Source: The Problem with Gay Marriage

San Francisco Bans Everything

Why ban straws? Because straws, according to the San Francisco ordinance, “may threaten public health” and are bad for the environment? Piles of human waste in the street are great for public health and the environment. But a Chicago medical association disagreed and cancelled its planned conference.

When Chicago thinks your city is dirty and dangerous hellhole, you really have a problem.

Source: San Francisco Bans Everything

‘Involuntary Celibates’ Are The Next Manifestation Of Sexual Socialists

Taken at face value, incels’ demands are nothing less than the socialism of sex. From each according to her ability, to each according to his needs, sex is to be taken out of the control of the individuals having it, placed in the hands of the state, and distributed equally. How will this bureaucratic nightmare of state-sponsored rape work? As with the usual plans of statists, the answer is simply “We’ll pass a law.”

Source: ‘Involuntary Celibates’ Are The Next Manifestation Of Sexual Socialists