Don’t Say I’m Violent, Or I’ll Kill You :: SteynOnline

Yes, it’s very unfortunate that people feel uncomfortable when they see a Muslim praying …because of all these unfair media stereotypes about violent, dangerous Muslims. So, three months after being lovingly profiled in the college newspaper as the antidote to all those misleading stereotypes, young Abdul went full Allahu Akbar on his fellow students.

Source: Don’t Say I’m Violent, Or I’ll Kill You :: SteynOnline

OSU Student Leaks Unbelievable Thing Military Classmates Did During Attack

Ali is a legal permanent U.S. resident who fled Somalia and entered the country as an approved asylum seeker. Somalia is ranked as one of the world’s most dangerous countries, coming in just after Syria, South Sudan, Iraq, and Afghanistan. The Sharia nation also boasts a 99.8-percent Muslim population, which accounts for the country’s many deadly terrorist attacks, political oppression, and barbaric religious practices.

Emphasis added. This is Obama’s fault.

Source: OSU Student Leaks Unbelievable Thing Military Classmates Did During Attack

Articles: Islam’s Celestial Women: Muslim Men Die for Them, Muslim Women Envy Them

The histories of the conquest of Mesopotamia and Syria are in fact full of anecdotes of Muslims throwing themselves into the fray and rushing to death’s embrace because they believed that doing so would rush them to the warm embraces of the heavenly sex slaves.

Being the immature, emotionally-stunted males that they are, (much like the American campus crybullies), they can’t handle a living, breathing, thinking woman.

Source: Articles: Islam’s Celestial Women: Muslim Men Die for Them, Muslim Women Envy Them

Czech President: ‘Muslims Will Never Integrate… They Are Part Of A Muslim Brotherhood Plot To Invade And Take Over Europe’ – Freedom Outpost

Czech President: ‘Muslims Will Never Integrate… They Are Part Of A Muslim Brotherhood Plot To Invade And Take Over Europe’

Source: Czech President: ‘Muslims Will Never Integrate… They Are Part Of A Muslim Brotherhood Plot To Invade And Take Over Europe’ – Freedom Outpost

Sultan Knish: Election 2048 – Under the Peace of Islam

“No American president has taken an oath on a bible in over a decade, all that the governor meant was that he would keep both Christians and Muslims in mind as the people of Allah when he takes his oath to protect and defend the Sharia,” Aisha Zubedi said.

Source: Sultan Knish: Election 2048 – Under the Peace of Islam