Articles: Killing Christianity in America

A basic definition of a cult is an organization whose beliefs are so far separated from the real world, that if society were to incorporate those beliefs, it too, would go mad. Therefore, insane beliefs completely divorced from the ground of being can only be established by force of law and strategies utilizing persecution aimed at eventual elimination of entities in opposition to those beliefs.

Source: Articles: Killing Christianity in America

Articles: If Bakers Can be Forced to Service Faux Weddings, so Can Churches

…judges, “picked out from the most dexterous lawyers…and having been biassed all their lives against truth and equity,” use “words multiplied for the purpose” to convince us “that white is black, and black is white,” as satirist Jonathan Swift put it. Thus do they find protection in the First Amendment for pornography, but not for bakers who don’t want to service faux weddings.

Source: Articles: If Bakers Can be Forced to Service Faux Weddings, so Can Churches

Language Wars | The Z Blog

Of course, there are two big problems with selling the New Religion of a borderless world to the citizens of the western countries. One is that many of the people on the other side of the border are savages. There’s no hiding the daily atrocities that are just a normal part of Muslim life.The other problem is that Muslims have a habit of exploding in public places, like airports and train stations.

Source: Language Wars | The Z Blog

Articles: The Fruits of Multiculturalism, Abroad and at Home

There is within our own borders a rising culture of anti-Constitutional, anti-American aggression and fascism, perpetrated upon Americans by other Americans who are so assured of their own moral and intellectual superiority that they have no need of laws that constrain their dominance over their fellow citizens. They are smarter and better than the rest of us, because they say so.

Source: Articles: The Fruits of Multiculturalism, Abroad and at Home