Social Security in Dire Straits

“It gets worse. A big part of this started in 1964, when the Imperial City decided to move Social Security “Trust Fund” receipts into the general fund. This meant that our elected officials were free to spend that money, as they usually do, to buy votes, and that since then the Social Security “Trust Fund” has not existed; it’s a box full of IOUs from a government that is thirty-two trillion dollars in debt. In case you’re wondering, that’s about a quarter-million dollars per taxpayer.”

The Tennessee Tragedy

As a person of faith, I believe that yesterday’s school shooting in Tennessee was not only an act of evil in itself:  it was also the inevitable result of allowing inaccurate, untrue, deviant perspectives and “woke” opinions to deny and defy reality.  If one does that for long enough, eventually (I believe) one becomes mentally, spiritually and morally divorced from reality . . . with the result we saw yesterday.

Source: The Tennessee Tragedy

Nothing ‘Gay’ about Sodomy

Marriage is about children and their security, about enabling them to grow up in a safe and protective and normal environment. That is the purpose of marriage, not feelings as was sold during that sham of a debate. Security for children’s well being. Gay marriage is the opposite of this as we are seeing with the numerous accounts of children horribly molested in gay marriages. Just why is it that gay couples always, and I mean always must adopt or have artificially birthed children of the same sex?

The answer is so that they can molest them. Call a sodomite a sodomite just so we’re clear on this.