‘Three Black Teenagers’: Anger as Google Image Search Shows Police Mugshots | American Renaissance

Kabir Alli of Virginia posted a clip to Twitter of himself carrying out a straightforward search of “three black teenagers”, which overwhelmingly turns up prisoners’ mugshots.

“Now let’s just change the colour …”

He and others erupt in laughter when the result for “three white teenagers” show stock photos of smiling, wholesome-looking young people.

Truth hurts, doesn’t it?

Source: ‘Three Black Teenagers’: Anger as Google Image Search Shows Police Mugshots | American Renaissance


I have approximately 1 million more examples of the media going mental about a “white judge” or “all-white jury,” and guess what? In none of them were any of the white people involved members of organizations dedicated to promoting white people, called “THE RACE.”



Hey, how about putting a Muslim migrant center right next door to a nudist camp…what could possibly go wrong?

Ms. Thoens said that any migrants who come to Germany should be expected to adapt to the local culture — including accepting nudism, which finds its origins in German culture.

BTW, they aren’t ‘migrants’. They are hostile invaders and should be treated accordingly.

Source: Hey, how about putting a Muslim migrant center right next door to a nudist camp…what could possibly go wrong?

How ‘Concept Creep’ Made Americans So Sensitive to Harm – The Atlantic

During the 1950s, third graders could walk to school, play alone at the park, or bike 10 minutes to a friend’s house without anyone worrying or objecting, so long as they came home for supper or before the street lights came on. Today, though kidnapping is just as rare, a parent who allows that same behavior is at risk of arrest or even losing custody of their children to their state’s child protective services bureaucracy. Society’s concept of what constituted an unacceptable risk, harm, or trauma expanded for ill. In Hanna Rosin’s words, it “stripped childhood of independence, risk taking, and discovery—without making it safer.”

A 17-page pdf available at here


Source: How ‘Concept Creep’ Made Americans So Sensitive to Harm – The Atlantic

The Fourth Amendment Is Supposed to Work for the People, Not the Government – Reason.com

General warrants, which were usually issued in secret in London, permitted British soldiers and agents in America to search wherever they wished and seize whatever they found. General warrants were not based upon any individualized suspicion, much less any probable cause. Their stated purpose was the need to enforce the Stamp Act, a totalitarian measure that cost more to enforce than it generated in revenue.

Source: The Fourth Amendment Is Supposed to Work for the People, Not the Government – Reason.com

Articles: How to Create Functional Illiteracy in 7 Easy Lessons

7) ACCEPT THAT DRUGS WILL BE AN IMPORTANT PART OF YOUR READING PROGRAM.  You won’t be able to read, but you won’t care, thanks to the magic of Ritalin and other chemicals.  So don’t waste time being fidgety, impatient, and unhappy.  This is the brave new world of school-induced acceptance of mediocrity.


Source: Articles: How to Create Functional Illiteracy in 7 Easy Lessons


Religion of Hate | The Z Blog

Now, 2016 you sits down with the 2005 you and says, “In a decade, our black Muslim president, who may be bisexual (Google Reggie Love), will issue an edict forcing schools to let mentally ill men in dresses into restrooms, so they can watch your daughter pee. The Republican Party will sneak a provision into a mammoth budget bill legalizing this edict. When challenged, the President will claim the Christian Bible requires it.”

Source: Religion of Hate | The Z Blog


The death of Mohammed Ali started a discussion on a private group about bullies.

Frankly, I’m glad I was bullied in high school. I learned how to handle bullies. Even worse, I started to stand up for my friends who were bullied.

Did I get my @ss kicked? Several time? Right Michael Hoover?

And we’ve been BFF for over 40 years now.

It’s not bullying. It’s sorting out who’s the leader. It’s a guy thing.

Like Muhammed Ali, he floats and stings and at the end of the day I’d bet he and Joe Frazier shared a beer.

I know that’s how it was. When I stood up to the bullies, even if I lost, we were friends. Bullies like you if you stand up. Maybe not that day, but give a month or two.

Or twenty, thirty years. Those bullies aren’t that bad.