College Then and Now: Letter to a Bright Young Woman | Fred On Everything

“The purpose of college was the making of cultivated men and women who would understand the world to the extent that it has proved willing to be understood. This meant the liberal arts. “Liberal” didn’t mean “lefty” or “nice.” It implied a broad grounding in languages, literature, history, the sciences, mathematics, economics, philosophy, and art and music.”

Source: College Then and Now: Letter to a Bright Young Woman | Fred On Everything

How I Acted Like A Pundit And Screwed Up On Donald Trump

“Since Donald Trump effectively wrapped up the Republican nomination this month, I’ve seen a lot of critical self-assessments from empirically minded journalists — FiveThirtyEight included, tw…”

I read this and couldn’t help thinking of the rise of the Mule in Isaac Asimov’s book ‘Foundation and Empire’. The Mule wasn’t predicted by Hari Seldon in the book and the pundits and pollsters didn’t predict Trump. Panic ensued in the book and now in real life.

Source: How I Acted Like A Pundit And Screwed Up On Donald Trump

Delusions Of The Left | Stately McDaniel Manor

“President Obama and the Democrat Party care nothing for traditional Americans and their families, but a very great deal for tiny, noisy identity groups aligned with Democrat ideology. Thus are Mr. Obama and his Obamites determined to put men in women’s bathrooms and locker room, the better to teach girls the wonders of transvestites and pedophilia.”

Source: Delusions Of The Left | Stately McDaniel Manor

Trump is not a fascist — but Hillary is

“Trump may be kind of thuggish, but he’ll leave me alone. Hillary’s going to come looking for me, and she’s foolish and clueless enough to push and push until we normals get tired of it and start to push back. I, for one, prefer my country not to be sucked into a second civil war because some former president’s angry wife is playing out a freakish psychodrama revenge fantasy against all the guys who have rejected her, from her father to Bill…”

Source: Trump is not a fascist — but Hillary is