
The death of Mohammed Ali started a discussion on a private group about bullies.

Frankly, I’m glad I was bullied in high school. I learned how to handle bullies. Even worse, I started to stand up for my friends who were bullied.

Did I get my @ss kicked? Several time? Right Michael Hoover?

And we’ve been BFF for over 40 years now.

It’s not bullying. It’s sorting out who’s the leader. It’s a guy thing.

Like Muhammed Ali, he floats and stings and at the end of the day I’d bet he and Joe Frazier shared a beer.

I know that’s how it was. When I stood up to the bullies, even if I lost, we were friends. Bullies like you if you stand up. Maybe not that day, but give a month or two.

Or twenty, thirty years. Those bullies aren’t that bad.

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Right-wing, Conservative, Constitutionalist, Christian, Heterosexual. How else can I offend you today?