How to Measure the Temperature of the Earth

If you just look at the thing they are trying to measure and the tools they are using to measure it (including the accuracy of thermometers 100 years ago), you can reasonably presume that this particular science is not very scientific.  On my kitchen wall are three thermometers.  Two use technology vastly superior to what was available 100 years ago.  The third one uses fairly old technology.  They are 17 inches apart.  The room temperature is maintained by a state-of-the-art home heating system.  As I write this, they read 68.0, 70.2, and 73.  (Feel free to try this experiment at home.)

Source: How to Measure the Temperature of the Earth

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Right-wing, Conservative, Constitutionalist, Christian, Heterosexual. How else can I offend you today?