Sultan Knish: Virtue and the Moral Fall of Civilization

A civilization is not a mechanical endeavor, but a moral one. The virtues that uphold a civilization, the ability to reason, to work hard, to study how to solve a problem, to sacrifice now for future gain, to cooperate with those outside the tribe, to value truth, beauty and goodness for their own sake are individual, but they are also social. A society that cultivates these virtues in people can prosper. As society loses these virtues, it grows dysfunctional. It loses winnable wars, it squanders vast wealth, it loses its work ethics, its ability to cooperate and to plan for the long term. It slowly dies.

Source: Sultan Knish: Virtue and the Moral Fall of Civilization

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Right-wing, Conservative, Constitutionalist, Christian, Heterosexual. How else can I offend you today?