Can computerized cars drive better than we can?
Source: Cars without Drivers
Can computerized cars drive better than we can?
Source: Cars without Drivers
A tribulation of following the news is the desperate peddling—it would appall an Amway salesman– of diversity, said to be our strength. Oh? Exactly why it is our strength is never specified. It seems to have brought no benefit beyond crime, rape, and genital mutilation. While the desirability of these advances is beyond dispute, it nonetheless seems to me that diversity has minor drawbacks worthy of consideration.
Source: Diversity: A Civilizational Nightmare – The Unz Review
“While many are still reeling from the outrageous shooting of LaVoy Finicum, and the aftermath of the Oregon standoff and arrest of patriots linked to it, there are other battles against the feds ta…”
Source: Sheriff Blocks Feds From Harassing Raw Milk Farmer: “Stem the Tide of Federal Overreach” |
“The notion of ‘white privilege’ is an invention of liberals that harms blacks by obscuring the real causes of their problems.”
Source: White Privilege: Myth & Reality
“Sanders may have his head up his ass, but the rest of his party has theirs in their vagina.”
Source: Yesterday Men | The Z Blog