Allahu Akbar! – The View from 2018 – The Unz Review
“In May of 2018, the second year of Mrs. Clinton’s administration, national puzzlement was high over the continuing wave of mass killings. A week before, nineteen children had died in the Blaintree Kindergarten massacre in San Francisco when Mohammed Shah Massoud, Faisal ibn Saud, and Hussein al Rashid burst into the school and began firing. As […]”
Fisher v. Texas & Affirmative Action — Is Diversity Educationally Beneficial? | National Review Online
The premise of the affirmative-action case currently before the Supreme Court is that ethnic diversity improves higher education. But how do we know the premise is true?
Diversity: A Civilizational Nightmare – The Unz Review
A tribulation of following the news is the desperate peddling—it would appall an Amway salesman– of diversity, said to be our strength. Oh? Exactly why it is our strength is never specified. It seems to have brought no benefit beyond crime, rape, and genital mutilation. While the desirability of these advances is beyond dispute, it nonetheless seems to me that diversity has minor drawbacks worthy of consideration.
Source: Diversity: A Civilizational Nightmare – The Unz Review
Hey, Three Out of Thirteen Ain’t Bad… | Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler
As to ourself, we’ll vote for Trump if he’s the nominee. We’ve held our noses enough times for the RINOs, it’ll be nice to hold it for once for somebody who enjoys kicking them in the balls, even if that turns out to be his only qualification.
Source: Hey, Three Out of Thirteen Ain’t Bad… | Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler
The Attack of the Dirt Monster | The Z Blog
“What’s happening is the a realization on the part of the Dirt People that the Cloud People hold them in contempt”
Articles: The Mass Murders That Dare Not Speak Their Name
Nicolai Sennels: Psychology: Why Islam creates monsters
How to demolish false ‘all cultures are equal’ narratives in two easy steps. | We Need To Talk About Islam
“For to say ‘all cultures are equal’ is to judge all cultures from … where?”
The Video About Sharia Law Youtube Keeps Taking Down – Israel Video Network Disturbing Images
Source: The Video About Sharia Law Youtube Keeps Taking Down – Israel Video Network